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V-10 to diesel swap?

Hi Guys,
Starting to explore the option of swapping the V-10 in our Excursion for a Diesel. Has anyone done one before? Is the cost worth it or would it be more cost effective to purchase an Excursion with Diesel already? We love our Excursion and makes traveling with the 3 kids easier and it tows our toy hauler but has 230k miles and would like more towing power also. Would appreciate any ideas and thoughts.


don't play well w others
In my own world
My v10 out pulls my diesel


just growing older not up
Boring, Oregon
Hmmm. Given that there are so few used Excursions on the market, I don't know the market. I do know this about the pickups- all other things being equal (condition, miles equipment), a gas SD will bring $3000-$5000 less than a diesel. Unless you drive a heckuva lotta miles, that buys a lot of gas. Then there's the other Catch-22. The '03 and older Excursions had the venerable 7.3, but the transmission was substandard. They improved the transmissions dramatically with the advent of the 6.0... but that motor in itself was a heckuva risk.

With modern electronics and engine controls, any swap like you're talking about is a lot more complicated than it looks on the surface. Definitely not a DIY proposition.


Virginia Chapter member
Norlina NC
put it this way.. if your really wanting to do the swap the way to make the transition the easiest would be to find another excursion (preferably wrecked) to rip all the electronics, engine, drivetrain, fuel lines and tank from to swap into yours.. (youll spend quite a bit of time doing all this)

personally id suggest getting the v10 refreshed and if your really wanting more power from it to add either a turbo or supercharger to it.. nothing real extravagant.. just enough to give you a little boost in the power.. you really wont hurt it pushing 7-10 psi of boost... but will have to let it run after long trips or towing to cool either option down.. once its tuned itd still be just as reliable as it was before and would help with that trailer..


don't play well w others
In my own world
Sparky's right, going to need the dash and harness for the dassh too. Lot of electronics.
Core support is different, radiator...... exhaust...... on and on

Good upgrade for him?
06 and up v 10 with the torque 5 trans.......
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