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Charter Member
I do not honestly believe that the cab issue has anything at all to do with Ford's sales numbers. I think that is a stretch to say that.
If people see the cabs coming off to work on them, they are probably less likely to buy one. Even if the cabs don't have to...that is the public perception.

Will that hurt their sales? I don't know, but I think it will.


Post Whores Make Me Sick
Lets face it Brian. Probably the MAJORITY of auto buyers do not work on their own cars. So the guys that are actually gonna give a rats ass about the cab coming off or not will probably comprise a negligible amount of consumers. I'm with Aaron, I really don't think that THIS TOPIC is directly affecting their sales, but I do see your point...


Charter Member
I'll put it to you this way. I will if I HAVE to............And there are times and places where I WILL HAVE to...........

Hence my trepidation on the 08

But as far as sales go, well, I myself (and my opinion and a nickle will get you a cup of coffee anywhere in the country) are kinda outside the scope of this discussion.

Just my .02
True. The majority do not do anything to their vehicles (not even checking the air in the tires apparently). It seems (from what I have read online) that the majority of new car buyers trade off their new vehicles in about 3 years. They don't care about repairs. It is all under warranty for them.

3 years down the road is when people like me can afford a "new to us" vehicle. If the reputation is that the cab needs to be pulled to work on it (even if not deserved reputation), it is less likely that one of us who might need a bigger truck will buy one.

By the time we get them there is little or no warranty left. I think (I could be wrong) that the extended warranties only go out to 100,000 miles if you can afford one. How many miles is that warranty good for after 3 years? I truly do not know.

Mine had just over 65,000 miles at 4 approximately years old. Now...less than 3 years later it is well over 95,000. If its 100,000 will be out of warranty about years end.

Anyway, I truly believe the reputation of having to pull the body will hurt ford. It may not be now, but sooner or later it will. Ford has enough problems or their new vehicle sales would not be slipping. They do not need more and I think this is one.

It does not matter to most people if it does not have to be done. The fact is that it is being done. "Yeah...they pulled my cab off twice in the last 3 years." That is the reputation it will have. That is what people hear. That is what people will remember.

Why do I use the example of twice? Well...this is an 08 and its been off once already. Just a guesstimate.


Staff member
To anyone concerned: the customer came in unexpectedly, needing prescription meds in the console. I saw him looking at his truck, walking up. After talking to him, he thought it was pretty cool that Ford introduced a way to make it easier. Can I start breathing now?


You Had to be There
Yes..I understand part of that for emissions. I do not understand why everything is tied into one GEM and it cannot be monitored with the OBDII code readers. The codes are supposed to tell us (the users) what area to look in. made it so we have to take it to the dealers.

I have two code readers, neither of which will read the GEM. [/QUOTE}


Here is a thread i started that should address all your questions on the different code readers/scanners and compatibility.

You are in the computer field so this should make perfect sense. As computers have evolved so have the computer systems in vehicles. Yes todays mechanic has to not only be a good mechanic but also proficient with computers. But hey so does a doctor or lawyer, construction worker and many other fields now require computers in the daily tasks. Computers are a double edged sword, they help streamline many things, controll precision much better, track mundane tasks and reduce the number of people required to perfrom the same job. However they do require continued training, monetary outlay for the equipment and continued updates & support.

Do i like the simplicity of older vehicles (and any mechanical item) and the ease of working on them, i most certainly do. However, i would not trade my nice comfortable late model vehicles for anything. The new vehicles have better performance, less maintenance and are more comfortable and handle better. I do not miss sticking distributor points or having to clean/change & reset points and plugs on a regular basis or rebuilding the carburator just to keep the car operating efficiently. On the newer gas vehicles, i don't even mess with spark plugs for 100K miles and points are non-existant, couldn't do that with the older cars.

In life however we are never static unless we are dead, life is always changing and evolving. We either change and adapt with it or fall by the wayside.


Charter Member
This thread now bores me... I'm not reading anymore. And YOU CAN'T MAKE ME! :p

Ok everybody. Covey up at my place, and we'll posse over to Skandocious's house, and we're GONNA make him READ, by God! He gives us any crap, and we'll make him do Algebra, too.............

Make SURE everybody has their torches, and their pitchforks :D



Charter Member
We can rally point at my house. A mere 500 miles from him. I'll bring the black and white and we'll do a simple 5 hour trip, 1 hour to force the reading and then 5 hours back. 11 hours total. Totally doable.


Staff member
So, it looks 50/50 on here, for it/against it. Is it because it just looks so drastic, or is it that we're not used to seeing something like that?
Because it cannot be easily done at home (for those few of us who work on our own vehicles), more than likely if ford likes it on the bigger trucks it will follow to the other models, and I predict lawsuits later when they get into major accidents.

I am not saying that ford or any tech will be at fault, but people are sue happy anymore. Just about every vehicle manufacturer (including ford) has settled out of court to make frivolous lawsuits go away.


Staff member
There will be no law suits, its the same bolts, in the same place. The same wiring harness, the same steering column. There is no basis for concern.


Charter Member
So, it looks 50/50 on here, for it/against it. Is it because it just looks so drastic, or is it that we're not used to seeing something like that?

I'm against it because

1) I've been TOLD BY A RELIABLE SOURCE (You know who you are, Vince ;)) that you CAN work on some things on the truck without pulling the cab.....I'll have to look closer at that one.......

2) Fear of being standed and unable to work on said vehicle

3) I HATE squeaks and tweaks. I'd HATE to have the cab pulled and it start squeeking and making noise, and possibly getting tweaked and no longer reamaining watertight

4) The possibility of having the cab reinstalled improperly ( After those maroons who will remain at the nameless dealership worked on my truck)

Those are my big 4 fears. One thing, Vince, is that not all of us have a tech or your integrety, or a dealership of your integrety in our area (I'm lucky I do, acutally...but you see where I'm going).

I see this causing problems, but I AM taking a "wait and see" attitude toward how this works out.....



Rep whores make me sick
The reason that I don't like it is that when a vehicle goes out of warranty is normally about the time I can afford to buy that vehicle. I enjoy learning to repair my own vehicles and pulling a cab would be a major pita for me.

I understand that it is not necessary to pull the cab in all situations, but it makes the job easier. I would rather see the vehicle made so the tech can do most repairs easier without cab removal. There has to be a way to design a truck that meets all of the federal requirements and still leaves a bit of room under the hood for wrenching, but I have a feeling those days are gone.

I have pull cabs off of project trucks and such, but they were all cases that didn't need to meet a deadline. I guess I'll have to learn to adapt to the new ways. :)
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Staff member
I agree, Gunner, that tech willingness to "do the job properly" comes into play. This technique actually cuts time in half, so, I would think a tech would be more apt to watch what he is doing. Both the 6.4 and the 6.0 have very few things on them that one can repair on the side of the road. From my viewpoint, the 6.4 actually is more "side of the roadable". At first look, it definately looks more "packed in". Look past the "first layer". Just a few bolts and screws removes that "layer".
There will be no law suits, its the same bolts, in the same place. The same wiring harness, the same steering column. There is no basis for concern.

I did not say it was an accident waiting to happen. People will sue over anything that they can come up with.

Ford was sued a while back because some drunks were thrown from a vehicle when it rolled. They were not wearing seat belts and at least one died.

Ford settled out of court with the family (to hush it up?). At least that is the story that was printed by some newspaper I read.

Not every tech is of your calliber. Some techs screw up, simply do not know what they are doing, or management won't let them. I think it is management/owners here locally. 'hah'


Staff member
Adapting to the new ways, is the operating phrase here. If the manufacturers were to make a vehicle that had room to work on, plus met all mandates, that thing would be 12 feet wide, and 30 feet long, plus cost 100k

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