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Ok folks, a little more involved


Staff member
A double overhead cam vehicle, with a v8 is showing low compression on one bank of cylinders. Vehicle has no outward signs of trouble (leaks, misfires, overheating, etc.) Technician a says that one timing chain is off one tooth. Technician b says there is a vacuum leak on the intake manifold on that side. Who is right? Tech. a--Tech. b-- both--neither.


Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
valve leakage...

Although I should be guessing timing chains on one cam, otherwise you wouldn't have mentioned the DOHC setup.

upst ny
you show offs with more than 1 cam
Neither. One tooth isn't enough to cause all cylinders to read low, as it isn't opening the exhaust valve just yet as it has crested the power stroke. especially on a v8. couldn't be the intake, as that has no bearing on the compression. could be warped head, bad bearings/wrist pins/rings/valves, but not the intake unless the intake ports were severely restricted. Being as it is the whole bank, I'm going with warped head as my initial look-see.


Kansas Chapter member
Osage Beach, MO
I'll go with neither also. Vacuum leak? That shouldn't cause low compression. Maybe the chain off by one tooth, but I don't think so.
You dawg!!!! You were the last one I was expecting an answer like that from...I was expecting something like that from the usual list of suspects and now I have to add you to that list...
Ryan's not here??? he guessed the bent valve....!
It's OK: Remember GOOSERULE #37: ALWAYS own up to your abuser status. It keeps him from dozing off at the computer.
Which HE? Oh, never mind... don't want to embarrass the both of them...

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