what he saidWhoa! Sexy. Great deal for $90! I'm thinkin' about getting a diamond plate box like that. I wanna get one that sites flush with the bedrails so I can still put my shell on the back if I want.
Some ATF (both for tranny and power steering) a small jack, tire iron, extra wiper fluid.thanks guys. yea i think its pretty sweet. I just have to figure out what to put back there now. i have a 3/8 drive socket set that fits great behind my seat. maybe i'll have to get a 1/2 drive set to put in the toolbox. maybe extra windshield wiper blades, some oil, coolant, water, a snow shovel, some flares, tire chains, jumper cables, tow rope... anything else i should put back there??
looks crooked to me...
I think he took a crooked picture of his crooked box so they'd cancel each other outno way! lol i know you're just trying to stir up trouble but theres no way the toolbox is crooked! the picture i took is crooked and so is the bed because my springs are shot but the toolbox is straight! lol. straight with respect to the bed that is.
i think cops forget bout these things when they search cars..