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Misc Texas Thread


Uwasa Wahya
so what does a kid from cali have to do with a TX Chapter Leader discussion? uh .. nothing but stupid cartoons?? if y'all're serious then get serious for a minute...
so what does a kid from cali have to do with a TX Chapter Leader discussion? uh .. nothing but stupid cartoons?? if y'all're serious then get serious for a minute...

Wow, I just saw "Misc Texas Thread" and posted misc stuff. Nobody needs to get pissed off an flame people. I dont even know what the hell is going on but it sounds pretty stupid. In spirit of the forum, I would just take a breather and walk away from the keyboard for a while and consider if whatever stupid shit you are arguing about is worth it. And never flame me again. :nono: :guns:

Thats My $.02. Thread unsubscribed.'tool' :ban:


Uwasa Wahya

what is it the kids say? don't be dippin in the kool aid unless you know the flavor? there's another one, don't judge a book by it's cover - same applies to this and most threads. LESSON ON FORUMS - you can't assume it hasn't turned into something other than useless dribble if you don't bother to read what's going on in the most recent posts before you post. THIS has turned into a conversation about the position of chapter leader - your pics would be perfectly fine in their own thread or under GC or something where it's not disrupting what apparently some felt needed to be discussed. the site's open to everyone and i've found myself in threads that were in other sections but i at least try to read what's going on before i start throwing junk out. i'm not TRYING to flame you but i had plenty of time away from the keyboard while my cell was dead to think and i'm still just as heated at the thought people are jumping before the rope hits the ground w/o even giving the existing leader a chance to say his piece. it's BS to call for another vote w/o giving him the opportunity AND THAT'S MY .02 ABOUT IT.....


FTFS Designated DRINKER!
I don't think posting a silly Sponge Bob pick was wrong in any way and I think he has every right on earth to post in the Tex chapter threads he wasn't giving any opinion on the subject.
And I don't know whats going on with our Chapter leader I have nothing against the man but if he is unable to do the job of Chap leader maybe the guy is sick or Uber busy with life of family or a death or god knows what and if he is unable to fulfill his Chap duty's then I'm sure he would agree on passing the torch to some one else this isn't some kind of conspiracy against Storm. I don't see any reason for you to be getting fired up and there really isn't a reason to jump on Raptor...


Uwasa Wahya
it's just BS to call for a vote for a new leader because there's nothing to do right now and the current leader is doing that nothing rather well. has anyone asked him whether he wants to resign, whether he feels like the nothing required of this job right now is too much hassle? unless someone can say yes to this there should not be a call for a vote.

if he's completely out of touch to those here who talk to him offline too and something comes up that's so damn important *can't imagine what* that he's needed and he can't be reached then call for a new vote but we shouldn't be trying to vote anyone out cuz they're absent for a couple weeks during the holiday season.... it wouldn't matter who's butt was in the chair - i'd say the same thing because it's ridiculous.

i posted my introduction within a few hours of his and not another soul posted theirs until 11/22 except your "howdy" 6 days later. ONE other thread that was NOT started in all chapters as a competition in 4 months - we're just friggin boomin with business around here so much that the TX chapter leader can't be gone for a couple weeks around THANKSGIVING without being voted off... IF that's the kind of mentality y'all've got then count me out. i don't make a habit of kicking people when they're not around to see it and say something because that's BS and it's really sad that no one else thinks that's crap. i'd love for him to show up and say what he wants - maybe he doesn't want it anymore but he should be aware of it or a good effort be made to make him aware of it before y'all just push him overboard.

hey wizzard - you want santa to mail you a sticker?? i've been told it's in a boring font but free is free right?


FTFS Designated DRINKER!
No one is kicking any one! no one is pushing any one!
It doesn't matter if there is 2 or two million people here he has a job! to fulfill! now I don't know why he hasn't been around who knows whats going on I hope its nothing bad but I'm sure his real life has gotten in the way and I would frown on any one who would says that's a bad thing.
If he isn't around to do his job then some one has to or maybe some one can step in when he's not around.
Your making it sound like every one is trying to run him out of town tared and feathered on a rail.
Don't get so damned fired up over slmann asking if we want another Leader.
Your really making some thing out of nothing at all.


Uwasa Wahya
i'm just saying it's ridiculous to expect ANYONE to be here ON THE INTERNET 24/7 to be available for a group of 6 people ON THE INTERNET just in case.

i'm saying that there's nothing that HAS to be done right now so no one HAS to do anything so how is he not filling his duties?

i'm saying that being off the site for 2 weeks during the holidays DOES NOT mean a person is not doing their job *of which there's NOTHING to do right now* and deserves to be voted off

and i'm saying this needs to be tabled until someone makes contact or makes an effort to contact the person being voted off to see wtf he wants...

suggesting someone be voted off for being off FTF for a COUPLE WEEKS is making something out of nothing. THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING.

the suggestion shouldn't have been made until AFTER someone had tried to get a hold of him because that's the right way to do it. not just start saying hey y'all wanna get rid of him cuz he's been gone two weeks when y'all hadn't said a damn thing in TX in three months - take a vote. as friendly as this place usually is, this isn't.
i'm just saying it's ridiculous to expect ANYONE to be here ON THE INTERNET 24/7 to be available for a group of 6 people ON THE INTERNET just in case.

i'm saying that there's nothing that HAS to be done right now so no one HAS to do anything so how is he not filling his duties?

i'm saying that being off the site for 2 weeks during the holidays DOES NOT mean a person is not doing their job *of which there's NOTHING to do right now* and deserves to be voted off

and i'm saying this needs to be tabled until someone makes contact or makes an effort to contact the person being voted off to see wtf he wants...

suggesting someone be voted off for being off FTF for a COUPLE WEEKS is making something out of nothing. THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING.

the suggestion shouldn't have been made until AFTER someone had tried to get a hold of him because that's the right way to do it. not just start saying hey y'all wanna get rid of him cuz he's been gone two weeks when y'all hadn't said a damn thing in TX in three months - take a vote. as friendly as this place usually is, this isn't.

I do agree with you about needing to contact Storm, but like you said it's not like he's been gone for a while. Last Activity: was on 11-13-2008 08:25 PM

But at the same time theres no harm in asking questions., about something if you don't know what it entails.


Charter Member
EVERYONE needs to slow their roll for a minute.

Ultimately the decision to elect or not elect a new chapter leader falls to the administrators of this forum. The decision has nothing to do with liking or disliking anyone. It has to do with what they think affords the chapter the best opportunity for growth.

The idea behind regional chapters is that while we all may have an intrest in Ford trucks, regionally our intrests, likes, dislikes available options etc...may be different. The folks that ARE the chapter leaders were not railroaded into the position like some old shotgun wedding. A group of folks got together and THEY decided they wanted a chapter and THEY decided who they wanted to be their chapter leader.

I don't have any idea what is going on in Storm's life. He may in fact be ultra busy with his new job and new house and sportbike group etc...That's cool but is that the person that is going to afford this chapter the best opportunity to grow? 11-13 is the last time he was online, no biggie. Where I do have an issue is that his last post/thread in the TX chapter was 07-28-08. Hardly stimulating growth I would say.

Food for thought.


Uwasa Wahya
EVERYONE needs to slow their roll for a minute.

Ultimately the decision to elect or not elect a new chapter leader falls to the administrators of this forum. The decision has nothing to do with liking or disliking anyone. It has to do with what they think affords the chapter the best opportunity for growth.

The idea behind regional chapters is that while we all may have an intrest in Ford trucks, regionally our intrests, likes, dislikes available options etc...may be different. The folks that ARE the chapter leaders were not railroaded into the position like some old shotgun wedding. A group of folks got together and THEY decided they wanted a chapter and THEY decided who they wanted to be their chapter leader.

I don't have any idea what is going on in Storm's life. He may in fact be ultra busy with his new job and new house and sportbike group etc...That's cool but is that the person that is going to afford this chapter the best opportunity to grow? 11-13 is the last time he was online, no biggie. Where I do have an issue is that his last post/thread in the TX chapter was 07-28-08. Hardly stimulating growth I would say.

Food for thought.

did you miss where i said it wouldn't matter who's butt was in the chair - i STILL think it's BS to call for a vote?? while i disagree about who ultimately gets to choose their chapter leader *you can't force members to vote* i know it's already happened that way because i don't remember any vote previously of who wld be chapter leader, no nominations, nothing. i was here when the chapters were created, i pm'ed too and i think it was Storm, nomad, and myself for the initial three members. i do happen to think he's the best guy for the job so i wasn't pissed to show up and see him posting as the leader. i don't know if he volunteered or was asked and by who, i said that earlier too but it doesn't matter. for whatever reason he accepted it and that means he needs to be contacted before he just comes back and finds everyone had no faith in him as a leader cuz he's been doing the same damn thing every other member of this chapter has - nothing. he can't force us to talk you know...

i know what the chapters are for - been there, done that, refused the leader nomination elsewhere because i'm on the unpopulated side of the state, volunteered if we ever broke TX into smaller sections that would be more capable of getting together, and still watched it all fall apart and become a useless dead weight at the bottom of other pages. got information on places to meet, events to do that were halfway for everyone even though i wasn't the leader but it didn't matter. the distance between the population concentrations is what always keeps this state from getting together, ALWAYS. or at least that's the excuse everyone gives when it comes time to actually show the hell up. i don't see how anyone can be expected to beat that and get people together, especially at our current numbers.

until this thread *which was split out of another thread by a mod and placed in TX cuz a whopping two of us were talking keep in mind*, and discounting the site wide picture contests, there had been no conversation between ANYONE in tx since 8.4 - no one else made an introduction until 11.22 after his last log in. hard to respond to something when there's nothing to say. that's my entire point. calling for a new chapter leader because there's no one in the chapter to do any yapping or any gettin' together is BS.

he may in fact be out of the country with his new job but fact of the matter is that this whole site has to grow before this chapter can grow. you can't stimulate something that isn't there to stimulate so what do you expect a chapter leader to do? invent members to stimulate? IF the admins feel that way then i don't see any of the chapters surviving because you'll just keep going through leaders until all 6 of us in TX have been voted off and you'll have no one left. if the three of us that live in the same town can't come up with any more to say than lubbock sucks and haven't even tried to get together on our own then what do you expect any leader to do? if you get a hold of him and he doesn't want it then call for another vote. if you can't get a hold of him after people have called and emailed etc, then call for a vote but friggin try before people start saying vote vote.

an effort to contact him should have been made before it was suggested. that's how i feel and that's how i'm going to continue to feel because to me it's rude to start trying to vote someone off w/o trying to contact them FIRST. be like convicting someone in court without ever putting the notice in the paper or issuing a subpoena or arresting the person. it's not right and it doesn't matter who's name has chapter leader under it, it's still not right. 10 hrs of sleep and i STILL feel the same.. that's about as much slowing my roll as i can get.


Uwasa Wahya
not having a stadium has never stopped kids from playing in empty fields across from their houses with the neighborhood kids... if the kids wanted to play they'd be playing. that's how they get started in the beginning, get their practice at what makes it work. you can build it but that don't mean they give a flying flip. y'all already recognize this or a three person membership wouldn't have been a requirement to start chapter. personally i think it should have been ten, especially in TX, because without one big yapper you see what's happening. we have the stadium, a place to talk and no one's been talking.

we'll just have to agree to disagree then because you're not likely to convince me that there's more to be done when there's been no talk since august in the TX chapter. of course your opinion means more than mine regardless of the fact that i've seen this before, tried to fight it before. maybe you have too and have a good idea but give the existing leader a chance to try it before you say he sucks lets get a new one. the members have to come here. i've got nothing to say to anyone specifically in tx that is FTF related. what i have to say i say using another media like oh the text message or yahoo or email from work or a good old fashioned phone call. everyone's been posting their butt off elsewhere *including me* after they knew this place existed because everywhere else is where the stuff we have to say needs to be said. there's nothing to talk about that's TX related, to few people to get together over this much distance, only one question that was TX related and the two people who answered cldn't answer because they're like 8 hrs away. i remember saying the chapters weren't going to be real active until the site membership was up before we created the chapters. doesn't mean i didn't want a chapter because this site is gonna keep growing and hopefully we'll have a use for it.

i'm glad you've attempted to contact him now. had you before someone started hollering vote? that's what got me started. doesn't seem to matter if the entire membership is absent from the chapter as long as the leader is posting to himself to keep the chapter going or twiddling his thumbs staring at the screen waiting four months for the next new member to come along so he can say howdy welcome to a dead chapter where i'm wasting my time talking to myself because no one's talking because there's nothing TX related to say between 6 whole people on opposite ends of the state.

for a while it was just nomad, drago, storm and me and i've got nothing to say that would be important to them more than anyone else on the site yet the leader's going to get blamed for no one having anything to say to anyone else? PATIENCE is the key in the beginning and don't kid yourself, this chapter is JUST beginning, i don't care how many months it's been on the site. until there are enough members who like each other to sustain a conversation for more than 4 posts this chapter will continue to be just beginning. this thread is the longest one and the only reason it made page 2 is because of this.

i'll ask this in an effort to understand where you're coming from because i've tried to be clear on where i'm coming from. what would you be doing differently?


FTFS Designated DRINKER!
I don't see why tempers are getting flared here this is really dumb for any one to be getting mad and its making the Texas chapter look low class and you jumping on Raptor for doing nothing is just wrong on many levels.
If the Admins think we need a new chapter boss then So be it!
And you just need to calm down and stop acting like people are personally attacking Storm..
Last edited:


Uwasa Wahya
it's really dumb for people to be calling for a vote when there's nothing to be done differently.

i already said i wasn't trying to flame the kid but seriously don't judge a thread by it's title.

i've already said if no one can get a hold of the existing leader THEN call for a vote if everyone really thinks that there're things that need doing. i don't think there's anything more to be done right now. my problem is people calling for a vote before any effort was even made to contact him. my other problem is the reasoning behind calling for a vote, both of which i've explained. i've yet to see, other than your "took a month," where anything is failing to be done. in all honesty, if you didn't know you were a member, and the last time he was on was 2 weeks ago, then you missed it for at least two weeks and he could have approved you the same day and you wouldn't have known it so i don't put much credibility into that. i also don't believe that you posted your howdy and didn't click join until 6 weeks ago either. *your month plus the two weeks you missed it assuming that you took that into account when you said month* you know enough about the internet to have found the join link in his intro. have one of the mods check how long of a delay there was in your approval and then i'll believe it. and again, not having been approved doesn't prohibit you from participating in the chapter or you wouldn't have been able to post your howdy and likely would have hollered then when it was still brand new and exciting to get your membership. you haven't missed the chapter cuz you haven't been talking here either and you can't say you didn't think you cld cuz you posted the second day too.


Charter Member
First off Connie. I don't recall ANYONE telling you guys to get a new leader. Scott made a comment that if you folks wanted a new leader he could make that happen and you came unglued for no good reason.

Here is the quote that started you on your rant.
If you guys want a new leader put it to a vote and I can put the new person in. I can also try and contact Storm for you and see where he's been.
Or was it this one?
But really if you all feel a new leader is in order put it to a vote and we can get it changed. YelloThumbUp

If you guys don't want a new leader then just say so but your rants and accusatory tone about what "WE" are trying to do is really un-necessary. "WE" are not trying to do anything other then help "YOU" the texas chapter grow and flourish, plain and simple.

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