My '73 Bronco is currently getting 6 mpg & the auto. tranny is not shifting correctly. It seems to be running way too rich. This morning I could smell pure gas when standing beside it running as well as when raising the hood but no leaks! This weekend we just replaced the dizzy, points (After replacing the points in the dizzy over the weekend, it would finally run), plugs & wires, carb (rebuilt original Motorcraft from Guaranteed Carburetors), coil, timing chain & gears, water pump, radiator & hoses, thermostat, 13 gallon gas tank & line (Only 1 tank (rear)). I have no idea what mpg it had previously as I recently purchased it, & new tranny fluid & gasket. We thought we had it retarded 6 degrees from TDC but this morning after cranking it up it sputtered in idle and went dead when putting in reverse but would crank back up and run but had a loping sound to it. So, this afternoon we retarded the time a little more and adjusted the idle and now it goes into reverse without sputtering or stalling but still makes the "clunk" noise when initially putting into reverse, & runs as smooth as a sewing machine except for the auto tranny shifts from 1st to 2nd within 3 seconds (around 5 mph) of putting in drive and shifts to 3rd withing 3-5 seconds thereafter (around 10 mph). However, has plenty of power and when punching it on the open road it has a lot of power (like a passing gear but you can't hear or feel it shift it just speeds up ( got up to 90 mph today).and runs as smooth as a sewing machine except when backing out of garage (when initially putting into reverse it makes a "clunk" and slight quick jerk as going into reverse. I don't know if retarding it to be more precise will fix the mpg issue or not (again, it was late in the eve before we adjusted it)? Also, I don't understand why it shifts from 1st to 2nd and then to 3rd all within 10 seconds or so without punching the gas. The passing gear bar going from the tranny to the throttle linkage was not connected when I purchased it. It has slight scrape marks that would perfectly match-up to it being connected on the lowest part of the throttle linkage but the end of the spring that goes in that hole is not long enough to also hold it in place.So, what I did was place it on the pin coming out the top left side of the throttle before placing the arm there that has the ball on the end that clips it to the end. I don't think that is the correct place for the passing gear bar & therefore, don't know if that is contributing to the shifting issue or not (?). Lastly, again I have installed a reman. Motorcraft carb. I have the two vacuum lines from the dizzy connected to the ports they went to one the previous carb. but there is a threaded port on the rear passenger side of the carb that sucks air and I don't see what, if any, hose, etc... goes there. I have created a file of pictures in the gallery: 1. is of the rear of the carb. (is a circular factory part just behind the carb with two hoses connected to it(1 is cut off about 2" from part & the 2nd one runs about 2' but is plugged on the other end), of the threaded tit that sucks air constantly while running but do not see what, if anything, should be connected to it, 3. is of the throttle linkage and shows the passing gear bar connected to the top, & three shows the passing gear bar as it rides above the engine to the throttle linkage. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as I am out of ideas& my element with these things. Thanks, Dean