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Wire harness issue

Had a pesky mama squirrel make a nest in my f250 engine compartment. I’m trying to figure out if I need the whole harness or if it comes in sections. She chewed up right behind the pass side battery behind the alternator/ac area. I made as many repairs as I could find but my ac blower is hit or miss and could be a vacuum issue as well but I’d like to eliminate the wiring complete first. Without spending $500 for that complete harness if possible.


Staff member
Top Poster Of Month
Iowa County, Iowa
Unfortunately the sections end at the firewall and distribute from there across the motor and such.


Staff member
Top Poster Of Month
Iowa County, Iowa
Kind of, just goes from the firewall to where it needs to. It doesn't break into smaller areas. The vacuum only controls where it blows and the temperature it blows at. Wiring is responsible for blower speed. By 06 not even sure they were using vacuum on anything climate control anymore.

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