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Windows and Glass

I hate bugs on my windshield. just HATE em. Plus, since I do so much interstate driving, they also get on just about everything else, even side windows.
Let's face it, using the WIPERS to try to remove them is not only futile, it's wiper abuse. Even the scrubber on the squeegees seems to be no match for some of the green globs!
Here's a couple of recommendations for cleaning your windows and KEEPING them clean:
First you need the following supplies:

Squeegee with screw-on (threaded) handle
Deck Brush (usually about 6 inches wide, palmyra bristles)
4" razor scraper, preferably long-handled, plus spare blades (Usually found in the paint department)
Dawn Dishwashing liquid
1 gal windshield washer solvent
one bottle rubbing alchohol
Windex with vinegar
Clean white terry towels, or if you don't have your OWN(not the wife's!)paper towels (Those ones for GLASS with the blue diamonds REALLY WORK!)

OK, I know this sounds like an arsenal, but for me, bugs on glass is war, so I go prepared for battle.
Here's what I do:

Fill the bucket with water and hose off vehicle
raise windshield wipers
add dawn Dishwashing Liquid
dip deckbrush in solution and apply to windshield; scrub thoroughly
apply solution again
use 4" razor on glass, side to side.. if it seems to leave a "HOLLOW" in the path, turn it over... some razors are like that. You'll be surprized how much you "hear" and FEEL the razor removing that you didn't see. these are hard water deposits and fly specs
rinse again
Wipe with alchohol soaked towel (removed any oily residue)
spray with windex with vinegar, squeegee window and follow up with towels

Open Windshield Washer Solution Bottle, add a squirt of dawn, close and shake. FILL YOUR WW bottle! this added to the WW will attack bugs on the road!

Use the windex on the interior windows as well... you may even want to wipe THEM down with the alchohol first if it is a Diesel, or if you are a smoker, OR -and you may not realize this- if you use ARMOR-ALL on your dash. even if you don't spray it directly on the dash, VAPOR as armor-all "sets" still gets a coating on your glass that will not come off with ordinary cleaners.


Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
tom, that's awesome. I'm going to have to try that treatment this weekend when my truck gets the big spring wash and polish.



Open Windshield Washer Solution Bottle, add a squirt of dawn, close and shake. FILL YOUR WW bottle! this added to the WW will attack bugs on the road!

Hmm...didn't know that would help. I don't log nearly as many miles as most of you (220 a week?), but I drive home from work late at in the morning. Thanks.
Hmm...didn't know that would help. I don't log nearly as many miles as most of you (220 a week?), but I drive home from work late at in the morning. Thanks.
It has helped many people I've turned on to it... a couple even called to THANK me, lol... you of ALL people need it more down there... you grown them bugs CORN-fed!


It has helped many people I've turned on to it... a couple even called to THANK me, lol... you of ALL people need it more down there... you grown them bugs CORN-fed!

We do grow them large, but I have yet to see a corn crop around here. They are well fed from something. confused
We do grow them large, but I have yet to see a corn crop around here. They are well fed from something. confused
'course you ain't seen CORN.... The BUGS ET IT ALL!!!
It's around... Click HERE and you'll see WHERE!
Well, that an' pappy's STILL!



Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
just wanted to say that I tried your procedure, and am very impressed. we'll see how it holds up. I added a little rain-x to the end of the job.



just growing older not up
Boring, Oregon
Don't laugh- I us some real fine steel wool after the windshield is all soaped up. Have to make sure it's really rinsed well BEFORE you wash the rest of the vehicle.

Good tips there!
I carry a long-handle 4" scraper and my own scrub brush, just cuz the gas station variety squeegee sponges don't hold up for more than a day, lol

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