Hello. So I did something stupid, do a lot of stupid things but this one i hope you all can help with. I was changing valve cover gaskets and got one side done but decided to wait on the other one as it got too late. i put the valve cover back on but didn't think about hooking up the pcv hose since i was going to change it the next day anyway. Well it rained and it rained hard. Even though the hood was closed water still got in and of course leaked in where i left the pcv valve off. I haven't started the truck or did anything yet. Was wondering what you all might suggest? Would wiping everything down be a good idea or should i do something else? I heard or read something before not to touch or clean anything under the valve covers. But really may not have a choice. I figure on at least an oil change but that wont help get all water. Not even sure that much got in where it would have went down into the engine but i don't want to take any chances. Thanks