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Timing Chain center


Let 'er eat boys!
Union, MO
Finding timing chain centers on a modular 4.6, 5.4 motor.

  1. Find a flat level surface.( kitchen table, workbench, etc.)
  2. Grab chain and let hang from one finger.
  3. Lay chain down on said surface.
  4. As the chain lays down you will notice that one end has a link "standing up" and the other the center link is "laying down."
  5. This will be EXACTLY split in two at this point.
  6. On the end "standing up" make two marks, one on each rivit of the link.
  7. on the other end make one mark on the rivit and the end of the chain.
  8. When installing the timing chains make sure the end with one mark is on the crank and the two mark end is on the cams.
Pictures to follow.


Master Ford Tech
Just a note on that, some chains have copper links that are used to line up the marks.


  • timing.gif
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