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Thinking about an excursion


Charter Member
So with my family growing exponentially with my pending marriage I have been looking at a large suv to supplement my car fleet. What is your collective opinion on them?

I know they are not made anymore
Probably won't be a daily driver
I want the diesel. I had a 6.0 before and had no issues with it but never one over 100000 miles on it.
I have not found one yet just in the thinking stage now

Good points...bad points...etc...


Charter Member
Festus, Mo.
don't have any comments as far as the mechanical goes but I like the look. If it's not going to be a daily driver I would think as long as you find something in good shape and take care of it you should be good.

And not sure if I've said it before but congrats on the pending marriage, very happy for you.


The Token Canadian
Staff member
The Great White North
I know two different people that have them, both diesels, both are happy with the space and ride. One guy had a FICM go south, but that isn't a big deal.
I don't think you could go wrong Aaron.


just growing older not up
Boring, Oregon
6.0... my experience is they were either golden, or the engine from hell. ANY mods on the motor would be an automatic disqualifier. Fuel costs are through the roof. With any kind of miles on it at all, you could make the payment on a new Flex for what it'd cost to keep an Excursion in fuel.

My own take? Flex can be had for $20ish, still under warranty, tons of room. (Remember who Barb works for),"FORD" model="ford--flex"

PlanB would be an Expedition EL. About ten grand more, and not much more room."FORD" model="ford--expedition el"

Bottom line here- the Excursion design worked when diesel was $2.00/gallon and half the people who owned one were dragging a toy hauler around. Amazing how much the world's changed in 10 years though. Won't fit in most parking spaces, won't fit in any underground garages, almost $200 to fill the danged thing up, and we know what a PITA any diesel can be when they aren't driven much. That, in itself, would be a great reason to go gas, no matter what you buy.


The Token Canadian
Staff member
The Great White North much as I don't like agreeing with Ernie..smilietease :prod: , I have to say that the Flex is friggin' huge.
When we were looking for the Lincoln, they didn't have any Ecoboost's in the Lincoln's on the lot...but they had a Flex.
A boatload of room, nicely equipped and with that Ecoboost..well, it sure made an impression!
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just growing older not up
Boring, Oregon much as I don't like agreeing with Ernie..smilietease :prod: , I have to say that the Flex is friggin' huge.
When we were looking for the Lincoln, they didn't have any Ecoboost's in the Lincoln's on the lot...but they had a Flex.
A boatload of room, nicely equipped and with that Ecoboost..well, it sure made an impression!

Ford's best kept secret, IMO. Doesn't sell as well as the Explorer, even though it has more room, is faster, costs about five grand less comparably equipped, can be had with an eco-boost V6, gets better gas mileage, and has a AWD version for the snow-belt/ski crowd. Barb's never been able to bring one home because they can't keep one on the lot long enough.
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The Token Canadian
Staff member
The Great White North
How did my description of the available room escape the filter?
And to Flex certainly is not our Dad's station wagon!
With any kind of miles on it at all, you could make the payment on a new Flex for what it'd cost to keep an Excursion in fuel.

trying to censor my self a bit as of late, but feel compelled to comment: let's compare insurance and registration costs, those alone scared me off from buying a newer vehicle. maintenance on a diesel is a bit more, yes, but I would steer clear of a used rental vehicle myself.
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The Token Canadian
Staff member
The Great White North edit the quote as well! :D


Charter Member
Looks like Diesel here is about .22 more a gallon here. Not a total deal breaker but something to consider. What do you guys think of the gas option. The V8 or the V10?


Let 'er eat boys!
Union, MO
Aaron I would look into what it would cost you per mile to drive and base it on that. I just had to do that with my new purchase I am considering... Here is what I came up with for myself to help make the decision...

Stock tune on my truck right now I am getting 8mpgs.
93 Octane tune I am getting 12
Diesel should net me approx 17-18 without performance parts
Fuel here is $3.39 for 87, $3.69 for 93 and $3.59 for diesel

87 tune = $3.39 per gallon / 8 mpgs = .42 per mile
93 tune = $3.69 per gallon / 12 mpgs = .30 per mile
Diesel = $3.59 per gallon / 17 mpgs = .21 per mile

I would tread lightly with the 6.0 excursions but that being said I am trying to buy a 6.0 CC F250. LOL They can be fixed to be damned reliable and they are fun to drive.


Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
All I will say is that I have the 5.4L in a 1/2 ton pickup and it's not really that fast. I can't imagine suffering with a fully enclosed super duty truck and a V8. Don't look at them (if they exist).



just growing older not up
Boring, Oregon
Aaron I would look into what it would cost you per mile to drive and base it on that. I just had to do that with my new purchase I am considering... Here is what I came up with for myself to help make the decision...

Stock tune on my truck right now I am getting 8mpgs.
93 Octane tune I am getting 12
Diesel should net me approx 17-18 without performance parts
Fuel here is $3.39 for 87, $3.69 for 93 and $3.59 for diesel

87 tune = $3.39 per gallon / 8 mpgs = .42 per mile
93 tune = $3.69 per gallon / 12 mpgs = .30 per mile
Diesel = $3.59 per gallon / 17 mpgs = .21 per mile

I would tread lightly with the 6.0 excursions but that being said I am trying to buy a 6.0 CC F250. LOL They can be fixed to be damned reliable and they are fun to drive.

Here's my personal experience. F150 4X4 with a 5.0L. 13 mpg city @ 2500 miles/mo. @ $3.50/Gal= $673.00/mo for fuel alone.

F350 4X4 with a stock 6.0. 17-18 my foot- I owned one. Try 13-14 in town. You might hit 18 empty on the highway (still almost double what the V10 got, but still)... it's a 7,000 lb. brick, fer chrissakes.

$714.00/mo for fuel, figuring $4/gal for diesel.

Ford Flex, @ 23 mpg city @ $3.50/gal= $380.00/mo for fuel.

Guess what the car payment on a $21,000 used Flex is? Yup, about $375/mo. $340 comes from fuel costs alone. Figure in oil change costs and general maintenance, and the Flex's payment is made on the fuel and maintenance savings alone. A free family car, compared to a diesel pickup or Excursion.


I carry an ultra-sharp pencil when it comes to vehicle expenses. Barb normally drives a 4 cyl intermediate or standard size enterprise car (Focus, Elantra, Fusion, Sonata typically). They all seem to get about 30-32 mpg in a mix city/hwy. She drives about 1800 miles/mo. Marquis gets about 20 mpg.

Weeks rental (employee cost, included 0 deductable insurance, unlimited mileage) $60/wk av.

fuel costs @ 30 mpg $210.

Insurance/maintenance- $0.

Marquis- fuel costs $315 (20 mpg @ $3.50)
insurance 80 (full coverage, $100 deductable)

maintenance 30 (oil changes, assuming nothing breaks. Heckuva assumption on a 180,000 mile car)
Total- Marquis $425
Total- rental 450

That's not taking into consideration wear/tear and potential repairs down the road, compared to an always new car with instant replacement if any tiny thing goes wrong.


Looping back to Aaron's situation, I'm beginning to think it'd just be cheaper to rent a SUV on the rare occasions the entire family rides together (and it'll happen a lot less than he thinks, since the other kids are much older).
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Charter Member
To add one more thing into the mix....this is less about a family vehicle and more about my desire to get back into a truck of some sort. I have always driven a truck and quite honestly I have a little truck envy going on right now. I love my car. It is great but I want another truck

This Is my way of satisfying this urge without going out and dropping 50k on a new superduty which I don't need but desperately want

Not Sure what I will do yet but I do appreciate all the input


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
Here's my personal experience. F150 4X4 with a 5.0L. 13 mpg city @ 2500 miles/mo. @ $3.50/Gal= $673.00/mo for fuel alone.

I seldom break 2,000 miles/month, and my friends seem regularly awestruck by my odometer. Not sure what Aaron's intentions are for the vehicle, but that seems an awful high number to base calculations on.

To add one more thing into the mix....this is less about a family vehicle and more about my desire to get back into a truck of some sort. I have always driven a truck and quite honestly I have a little truck envy going on right now. I love my car. It is great but I want another truck

This Is my way of satisfying this urge without going out and dropping 50k on a new superduty which I don't need but desperately want

Not Sure what I will do yet but I do appreciate all the input

If I'm reading this right, you don't want rid of the Acura, you want a driveway-buddy for it. Which is, really, a luxury- and I'm going to assume you've concluded you can afford that luxury.

For the first time since I graduated college, I've been down to one driveable rig (plus a bike, sometimes) the last 10 months or so- and I'm amazed at how much it bugs me. Not just that I can't drive my '97 (which I love out of all reasonable proportion), but that I HAVE to drive the '09. I was vaguely aware of how much I loved leaving the one that needed an oil change, or a tank of gas, in the driveway until I got around to dealing with it...but I was still amazed how much it pisses me off now that I don't have that luxury.)

I haven't got anything useful to add as far as Excursions, or Excursions vs. Flexes, but I will say that I miss the hell out of having a choice every morning when I walked out into the driveway.
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Charter Member
You are spot on Ian. I am not getting rid of any vehicles. This is not a daily driver but depending on circumstances it could be.

I really came to realize this during my remodel project at the new house and having to rent a truck anytime I need to pick up a box of nails. I hate the feeling of helplessness (I know that is an exaggeration but damn I do feel helpless when I have to run to Home Depot). I want a large vehicle be it SUV or truck. Every household should have one. and yes your right again I can afford it.


just growing older not up
Boring, Oregon
OK, that puts things in a different light. I'd still pass the diesel Expy unless it was a 7.3. Assuming the tranny was all in one piece. That's the helluvit on those things- the 6.0 was an issue in itself, while the 7.3 was bombproof but came with a less-than-bombproof transmission.

First Gen Expeditions can be had dirt cheap, and they were great rigs if they didn't have the Air Suspension.


The Token Canadian
Staff member
The Great White North
Ernie, I get 18-19 mpg (imp) in my 350..with my carcass in it and full fuel it is 8000#.
This is both hand calcuated and by the info centre.

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