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spray in bedliner


Charter Member
Festus, Mo.
This probably one of the next things I do to my truck.
Has anyone had it done?
Which is better Line-X or Rhino Lining?
Anyone use the do it yourself stuff?


head pervert
tried the doit yourself stuff as chip guard on an old truck. it did alright, with a lot of prep work before hand.

we have a rhino and linex dealer in tulsa. seems prices are real close to the same on both, HIGH, but it does come with a guarantee.


Charter Member
Festus, Mo.
We have Rhino and Line-X both in a reasonable drive from here but don't know much about either one except for they're about the same price.

The only thing I have heard about the do it yourself stuff is that it fades really easy.


Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
was going to do this after I decide to do body work on my truck with a paint job. I'd be interested to hear from someone who has an opinion on this stuff.



Let 'er eat boys!
Union, MO
Line-X is the only way to go imo. we had real good luck with it and they did a great job on the truck. As a matter of fact they are getting ready to do my daughters wagon after we get it lifted!


I had a rhino liner sprayed in my ranger years and years ago. It sill looks like it did then. My brother drives it daily.

It has one small chip (slice really) in it. Unless you know it is would never see it.

I am going to use SPIs (Southern Polyurethanes Incorporated) spray in liner under the fenders and under the body of my 56. I can do it myself. It is a whole lot cheaper and from what everyone says it holds up as well if not better than the expesnive stuff.


just growing older not up
Boring, Oregon
We sub out to both at the shop. Line-X seems to hold up better, and they have better customer service (at least out here). Rhino liner does a better job with the color-matched liners, if that's a big deal.


Rhino liner is independent contractors. Every business will be ran differently as far as customer service goes. I don't know how line-X is done.

Also, there are smaller places that spray liners. Two are here locally. One is a stereo installation palce with a no-name liner and one is something like TUFF (or something like that). If you go to a smaller place check out the older jobs they have done.
I am going to use SPIs (Southern Polyurethanes Incorporated) spray in liner under the fenders and under the body of my 56. I can do it myself. It is a whole lot cheaper and from what everyone says it holds up as well if not better than the expesnive stuff.
Just be very careful about doing that, Brian, for a number of reasons:
1. it can make things like welding or grinding difficult if not impossible

2. Bolt and nut removal may be severely hampered in the future.

3. Application over foreign materials, i.e., previous undercoating, may cause sections to dislodge.
4. I do not have an MSDS for the SDI stuff, but many such items require a whole new safety ball game if used in close quarters (supplied air, etc) and under a truck is considered small quarters.

Just me watching out for ya, buddy~


Tom...that is definately true.

The truck will be done in pieces as far as stripping every piece, epoxy primer, body work, high build (2k) primer, and "cutting in". Once everthing is straight and ready, the pieces will be underdcoated. It will be assembled for final paint though.

The owner of SPI is a friend of mine. I have access to all the MSDS sheets and it will be done safely. I have too many health issues to take chances.

I will definately not be layind under it with liner gun going nuts and breathing all that mess.


Again I am off topic, but I should point out one more thing.

My truck has been taken apart, patch panels welded in, and everything coated with eastwood's rust encapsualtor. All new bolts on things like fenders and such. There is no old coatings to cause peeling later. Everything is clean and no rust to deal with. I spoke to Barry (owner of SPI) and he said I just need to scuff everything under there with a marron scotchbrite and shoot it.

As I said earlier, it will be apart for the undercoating. I will tape the holes (per the instruction sheet), shoot it, then bolt it all back together once it is done.

If somone is just spraying a bed...they don't have those issues (except the bed bolts) which they would have with any spray in or roll on liner.

Lots of good info in this thread.


ASE master, Ford Senior Master, Diesel and hybrid
I had rhino liner in my 03, the dealer went out of business, I just put a line-ex in my 08. Both are similar and very nice.


Charter Member

CRAP...When did we get ANOTHER Certified Ford tech on the site??? This must be Vince's doing. O I get it now. This is part of Vince's master plan to take over this board and make it a Tech's only site, leaving us poor souls to find another stomping ground. Pretty sneaky Vince but I'm on to your game.

Welcome aboard Bruteforcerider. Hope you like your stay were a pretty good bunch, well most of us anyways.

As to the topic at hand. The differences I have heard is how they are applied. I can't remember which is which now but I think it is the Line-X that is applied more evenly because of the application process.


Registered User
Round Rock, TX
Line-X.. it's material is much tougher than Rhino.. If you get a cut in your Line-X.. Take it to any dealer and they will repair it..

If you get anything else.. We'll disown you and beat you to oblivion..

Just so you know how crappy Rhino is.. Me and my bestfriend are pulling it out of his Superduty.. Normally you have to heat, scrape, pull, cuss and spend a week.. His just peels off.. It's crap.. :)


Kansas Chapter member
Osage Beach, MO
Just so you know how crappy Rhino is.. Me and my bestfriend are pulling it out of his Superduty.. Normally you have to heat, scrape, pull, cuss and spend a week.. His just peels off.. It's crap.. :)
Must not have been done right then. The one I had lasted for 10 years, was repaired in several spots without any issue and wouldn't peel up for nothing. I have NO experience with Line-X, but I had two trucks with Rhino and loved it.


Registered User
Round Rock, TX
Man thats like drinking a Wine Cooler instead of Fine Wine Todd.. Line-X is freaking AWESOME! Its MUCH tougher than Rhino will ever be..



upstate NY
The Rhino Liner in the back of my Dually has been there 4 years; 16 cords of wood, Enough lumber to build a barn, Chains, binders, Truck saddles, a sliding fifth wheel hitch that gets removed often, and God knows HOW many pallets of steel parts slid in from the rear. Diesel, grease, Drums of Kerosene, a generator, a welder, and countless other items. Got a few scuffs, but I'm sold for life.

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