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Question for those in the know...


The Token Canadian
Staff member
The Great White North
With the 2009 trucks, specifically the F450...what are the issues that are cropping up?....we have the opportunity to get one at a reasonable price (for up here, anyway) has the 4.30 gears and would tow an 16-18000# trailer for recreation...thanks!!


Oilfield Trash
Stigler, OK
I got 4:10 in an 08 350 4x4 and my mileage sucks. 4:30 or 4:88 is worse. Wait til a year after the urea motor comes out in 2010.


The Token Canadian
Staff member
The Great White North
Thanks for the reply!!...I've heard they get pretty crappy milage, the 2005 we have runs between 18-22 mpg, but that is the 6.0...I was thinking along the lines of waiting a year...but then there will typically be bugs to be worked out in the 1st years.
The biggest thing is the EPA mandated emissions. They have killed the fuel efficiency on any new diesel. My understanding is the new 6.7 is supposed to be a little better than the 6.4 but it will also require urea. Right now you cant go to walmart to buy urea so I have no idea what the cost will be but that will have to be factored in your overall fuel cost. In any case, my personal opinion is that the days of getting 18-22 mpg in a big truck are over. The new trucks are also alot heavier which makes them very stable for towing the kind of weight you are talking about, but it also decreases the mpg.


The Token Canadian
Staff member
The Great White North
The milage is not so much the concern, but any issues that have cropped up...we have an 05 presently and apart from the FICM screwing up it has been great. Thanks for the reply.

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