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Post # 15,000

I'm making post # 15,000 right now :WooHoo:


Let 'er eat boys!
Union, MO
Wow I really got some work to do to catch up! this is only post....333 for me! LOL
Are you saying that we talk too much? :redface:

This is 1329 for me. Tom has posted over 1000 times more than I have (2408 as of this writing, but He'll blow that away soon).
Gee... And I'm gone so much too!
I think you post so much when your truck breaks down and you are stuck in a hotel room away from home and family.

You drive the wrong kind of truck...that explains it...yeah...Uh huh....
It's not that it's the wrong kind of truck, so much as it's having a VERY hard time keeping up with me ALSO....:rofl:


I lost my hearing quite a few years ago (antibiotics). When I went to the surgeon to get evaluated for the cochlear implant he told my dad that he was amazed that I could still speak fairly well. He said I was talking completely from memory.

I told the doctor it was not memory. I just never shut up long enough to forget. :rolling laugh:
THERE'S one ya won't find on snopes...
Heck my wife won't listen, kids don't listen...
Thank god for my laptop
It's not the only computer I have but it's the only one I use...


asn't ineffective... I was just oblivious. I STILL think if they don't listen, they don't count, lol..
It can be a burden too... I often get accused of being easy on them.... spoiling them

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