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passenger side mirror getting on my nerves!!!! loose!!

F 150Cobra

"Wild HoRsE" Got Torque?
the upper part is so loose.. of you close the door it will move, drive above65MPH it moves!! barely touch it it moves!

how can i get it to stay still!?!!?!?:headbang:
just had the same issue with mine. you could adjust it, but once you hit 50mph, you were looking at the door handle. the little lock-nut that it came with wasn't cutting it. i went to hardware store and got another lock-nut to put on top (and bottom). total cost: $0.30. rock solid now.

F 150Cobra

"Wild HoRsE" Got Torque?
lol but i think you have a completly different mirror than mine
if its like the one in your sig pic its the same. (i think they had the same mirrors on 90% of trucks for 30 years) the part that attaches to the door is solid, its just the post wobbles on the arm...or at least thats how mine was. using the 1 lock-nut i couldn't get it to stay tight, 2 worked well so far

it was nice when i had the big ice scraper with me. it must have looked real classy when i got off the highway, rolled down the window and leaned over to push the mirror around with the ice scraper. i've got this stubby little thing. scrapes ice well, but it's what made me go get another washer to fix the mirror

F 150Cobra

"Wild HoRsE" Got Torque?
ohh ok ... but the arm of mine is rock solid its the mirror itself on the arm thats moving
Get some Gorilla Glue and glue a nickle to the bolt that holds the mirror into place. Worked great for me YelloThumbUp

If nothing else your truck will be worth 5 more cents.

Keep in mind you'll have to get a clamp and keep the nickle held there for a few hours...also keep in mind that where you have the mirror when glued is where it's going to be forever, lol.
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High-Steppin' Mo-Sheen
Ontario, Canada
I'm suprised nobodies said the obvious... duct tape! :D Jk.


Tulsa, Ok
electrical tapel.
iLl explain when im off the phone.

ok once upon a time my mom caused me to slide off the road in the snow (long story) and i told her i could get it out of there without calling a tow truck if she promised to buy me a new mirror. I didnt actually break it off but i cracked it pretty bad right where it swivels...and they never bought me a mirror.

I ended up having it securely mounted with black tape. and then i had to swivel it in and cut the tape. Now it shakes up and down pretty bad, if i make people look at it while im going down the road it will make them motion sick.
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just had the same issue with mine. you could adjust it, but once you hit 50mph, you were looking at the door handle. the little lock-nut that it came with wasn't cutting it. i went to hardware store and got another lock-nut to put on top (and bottom). total cost: $0.30. rock solid now.

I think this would be the answer to my problem. I have the same issue with my ford ranger accessories, the passenger side mirror to be exact. I'll try this one.

F 150Cobra

"Wild HoRsE" Got Torque?
wo wow..!! who digged up this old thread?? this was for my F250


FTF's #1 Knob Polisher
Cumming, GA
I gave up on having a passenger side mirror a week after I bought my truck.

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