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October Truck of the Month


Rep whores make me sick
Congrats Bob!

All that work keeping her clean pays off. :D

It was nice to be able to read the history on your truck also.
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Post Whores Make Me Sick
Congrats Bob! You might very well have one of the sexiest trucks I have ever seen, no joke. That thing is HOTT!


Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
Bob, sweet truck. No doubt about it.

I even got it posted up on the 1st of October. :D



Let 'er eat boys!
Union, MO
Congrats Bob and it looks better in real life!YelloThumbUp

Bob Ayers

North Carolina Chapter member
Durham, NC
Congratulations Bob!! Beautiful truck!!!


I want to thank everybody for their kind words about my truck. That means a lot to me especially coming from all of you. I consider you experts in your knowledge and appreciation of Ford trucks so I value your opinions and comments. It makes all the hard work and 14 years plus of working on my truck worth it. Thanks again.

Now that the mushy stuff is over can somebody hand me a beer? :beer:


Hey Bob...does that mean I have just 12 years to go?

At the rate I am going...that would be comparable to warp speed. :rofl:

Sorry buddy. I don't drink so I don't have a beer in the house. Would a mountain dew or a diet pepsi do? Perhaps some sun tea? I think there is even some tang left in the fridge.


Brian -- Wow I haven't had a Tang in years so that sounds good. If you get your truck done in 10 years you could smoke my record. LOL Just don't loose sight of what your goal is for your truck. Visualize it in your mind and it will eventually get there. I'll bet I rebuilt my 56 a million times in my mind, nut by nut, bolt by bolt until I had just the way I wanted it.

I'm hoping my current project truck will take considerably less time to finish. My goal on that is to have it done by the time I retire so I'm looking at 18 - 24 months. It's much easier since it's restoration instead of a hot rod.


I have mine planned out in my head. The plan has changed slightly over the last two years (well nearly that long).

My first goal is to get the body stripped to bare metal and in epoxy primer. That could take until you retire to get that far.

I was ready to go until the welder held me up. I will bolt it back together and drive it to springfield Saturday. I don't want to miss the last cruise in of the year.

That is the hardest thing for me (other than time) is actually parking it to work on it. There are soooo many places I want to go in it.

Tonight was the local car club monthly meeting. Friday is a local cruise in. Saturday is the one in Springfield. Next week there is a cruise/cookout. The next week another local cruise in. get the idea. I will just have to park it and stop this madness. 'hah'

On the other hand...I am getting to drive the wheels off of it. I think I am close to 1,000 miles since mid July. This weekend will be about 6 hours total.

On a side note: Tang is a really weird thing to have around the house, but real orange juice is completely off limits. That is as close as I can get.
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Oilfield Trash
Stigler, OK
Congrats Bob.
upst ny
good job and congrats

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