Maybe just a car buying forum. place to discuss buying, new or used, selling, tips, tricks etc...
Not a "Can I get an X-Plan Pin" forum. and BTW I have no freakin idea what an X-Plan Pin even is. I have always bought X plan and have never provided any sort of PIN number.
Maybe to include different purchashing levels Ford and other manufactures have.
And if not a whole forum what about a FAQ from our resident shady car salesman?
Makes no difference to me one way or the other. If they (car companies) relied on me they would all be bankrupt. I let somone else pay the high prices and buy 3 year old ones (or 50 year old one as the case may be).
I was a sponsor on the other site's new car buyers forum (I believe Suburban Ford still is). Sold quite a few new and used Fords (and a surprising number of Chevies) on the forum- maybe 5-8/month.
At any rate, I'm not against the idea, and certainly would participate. It's something I know a little about