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My progress page

Hey Guys? The F-O-R-D letters on the front of my hood. I would like to get them off today. They are firm! How to go about persuading them to turn loose of the truck? Behind them (looking at the backside from under the hood) They look like little spears. They are sharp tipped, they taper down to a point. They are kind of ribbed? like easy to go in but not coming out. Barbed? There are no nuts or clips. Am I explaining well? I can't budge any of them. I sure don't want to break one. What think?
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Thank you Roy! A small flathead under opposite edges worked them off just perfect. Got in no hurry and let them decide when they wanted to come off. I didn't even mark up the hood. I am finding it much smarter to ask before I even start. Sure saves on fussn', cussn' and broken stuff.
My FORD Emblems

Afternoon Gentlemen. I have my letters off with great usable advise from Roy. I would like to listen to advise on how to sharpen them up nice. Ideally? I would lobe to have them re chromed and possibly powder coated. But that's nor going to happen. So what think guys? Just basic cleaning/polishing? I would like to put a little red into the center ribbed section of the letters. But I do NOT have a steady hand for such delicate work. What think folks? I just feel they 'need ' something. Ya know? Something special. What think?



Hi Dylan, steel wool will clean them up nice, but if to much chrome has flaked off, you may want to find others or get re chromed. You can spray paint them red and then carefully use the steel wool to wipe away the paint on the "high" surfaces after it has dried. The red will only show in the bottom of the raised "ribs"

does look cool!! great work :)


sawmill slave
Or maybe look into a nice chrome custom job? Thanks again

This is what I got now


Not pic whoring, but if you get yourself another snorkel and some dryer duct from the hardware store you can make a pretty effective cold air intake for pretty cheap.
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Hey folks! It's been a few days. Found me some work, been busy. A good week all around. Below are couple of pictures of my Ford 250 emblems. One with flash and the other without flash. I would greatly appreciate opinions on what to to with them to make them 'pop'! When it comes to a steady hand, I'm not so much. Another words I will never be a Marine Corps sniper. So, what think? I am open to just leaving them alone with the best shine job I can do? I 'think' the word FORD was once red? I know the raised ribs were red. But, man, there is no way I have the steadiness to renew that.

Ideas? Gents? Ladies? Ideas? Thanks my Fordly Bros and Sis's



Hi Dylan, steel wool will clean them up nice, but if to much chrome has flaked off, you may want to find others or get re chromed. You can spray paint them red and then carefully use the steel wool to wipe away the paint on the "high" surfaces after it has dried. The red will only show in the bottom of the raised "ribs"

does look cool!! great work :)

I used a razor blade to cut the paint off the raised area. I did it when the paint was dry to the touch but not fully cured. It surprised the hell out of on how easy it was.
Hey! I also want to add this great thing I found. Of course all of you know about it, but it is triple awesome! It's called a 'Rag Wheel'! You can get one to fit your grinder/buffer or your drill. This wheel and some Maguires liquid rubbing compound? A scratch doesn't have a chance. Reduces that 'orange peel' thing to near a non existent state. What a cool piece of work. Just a bunch of rags bound together between two plates. What a great tool.
Thats great advise Mark. I used this tip on my letters. It's just my bumbling efforts that made them look worse than when I started. I decided just to leave them alone. But here, I have a greater surface to work with. It might go much easier. Love the razor idea. Good thing is. Paint remover can quickly cure screw-ups:) Thanks again
i wasnt that lucky when i was 16 to get a truck. It was cars for me.. its looking good man i hope mine will look that good too. Were u going to paint the whole truck or just leave it that color? I have seen alot of them red but im not a big red color guy. But it still is looking sharp. Keep it up and them richy kids will be green with evny over your truck.
Hey Mr.Camper. Thanks for the complements. I am proud of my old truck. Yes I am. Yes, I will eventually paint my truck. I will keep it white. I plan to trim with a little red. You know, like in the ribs on the body trim? . Probably some red pin striping. There are two lines in that trim that some striping would look awesome in. Mirrors I thought black or red. They were chrome at one time but it's all nearly rusted off. I am actually painting as I go. As I can afford it. If I told you how? There are some guys here that would ring my neck! I might describe it one day I get to feeling extra ballzy. I got the idea from You-tube. I'm doing what I can. What I can afford and the best I can do with the money I have.

I see you are new around here like myself. This place is awesome! Like I have said before. I always get treated like I been around here for years. Everyone of these guys treat me like I was their brother. It's like they just live to help. What I like about it most? See, these guys are fairly ummmm, older than I am. They have experienced many busted knuckles and bum luck. They learned from that. I don't have to learn that particular way. When you ask a guy who has been there, done that and they are willing to share? man! Just what kind of a price tag can you put on that!!! Cool place. Love it here.

my dad always said the more chrome on them old trucks the better. im missing 1 piece and was going to take it all off but he was like to hell you are lol. im in the same boat u are with money i just had surgry on my hand so i cant even work on it really. right now im sick because of it so that even sucks more. i have to miss work with a 103 temp it sucks.
Hey Mr.Camper, I haven't been around for awhile. I sure am sorry to hear about your hand. I truly hope you are better and/or on your way to a 100% recovery. Yes, the no money thing really drags me. So many things I want to get done. I personally just want Brutus looking good first. I can get the things on the underside in my own time.

Now, With better inspection I see my exhaust system is being held up with wire in several places. I first thought it's leak was like an exhaust donut? Not hardly. It leaks everywhere!

Ok, I have fine tuned Brutus's face. I have the letters back on and he is a handsome fellow. I have decided to try and do the body work myself. But I want him painted white, just like he is. I must have it done by someone who knows their business. Or at least has a good idea. I know you guys won't like it but I am going to probably take him to like Earl Scheib. Look guys, it's all I am going to even come close to affording. I read the reviews and know his work is crap and I'm looking at at least a good year of saving before I can get it done. I figure if I can take it in with body work done maybe they won't stick me so hard. I want him white. Nothing fancy. No like 'pearl' or such goofiness. Brutus will never be a 'show truck' That's not what I want! I want to be able to take him off road without worrying about the bushes scratching him up. My Granddad burns wood in the winter for heat. I want to be able to haul a load of wood in him. But,,,I still want him looking decent when pulling into the school parking lot. Picking up my lady for movie and dinner. You know? Yea,

BRUTUS, saying 'Hello'
Dash trouble

I would like to talk a little about my dash tonight guys. It's a mess. All seems to be there but it's just loaded with cracks and splits and such. I want to run this idea by you. I was thinking of taking a roll of gorilla tape and just very carefully layering the entire dash over with it. You know, just to pull things back together and hopefully keep it all together. Then I was thinking of a few layers of like that rubber truck bed liner stuff? Kind of like that rubber stuff they show on TV. I'm not going to be able to order a new dash for it. I hate 'dash covers' I'm actually just trying to be creative I guess. Does this sound like something that might work? I can handle honesty. If it sounds like something that may turn out disastrous? Let me know guys. Thanks



Tonto Papadapolous
The front end cleaned up very nice. It Looks good!

Dash mats are a good, cheap way to cover the dash. I had one on my truck when I purchased it about ten years ago, and I hated it. I thought it looked tacky, but I've gotten used to it. There are also no cracks in the dashpad, still, because the dashmat has shielded the pad from exposure to the sun.

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