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My Introduction

I met BobF100 at the cbc car show yesterday and he turned me on to this website. I've been looking for a good, close knit Ford Truck community and accoring to Bob, this is the place. So here I am.

I own Project Responder. It's a custom Fire/Rescue truck which I built from the ground up over the course of several years. I almost have all of the bugs and kinks worked out of it now and I'm looking forward to showing it as well as getting to know everyone here.



Let 'er eat boys!
Union, MO
nice truck and welcome...
Wow!!! That's all I can say about that truck.


Staff member
Iowa County, Iowa
We do what we can here, but close knit we definitely are. So if I get one of the t-shirts, does the model come with it???:drop: :drool: :rofl:
upst ny
awesome truck and welcome. if you can build stuff like that, i'm impressed all to hell.
and Ryan is a terrorist. just so you know.
Sweet Truck man, does it get a lot of use?
Right now, it is only for show. I'm hoping to be able to use it next year out west fighting wildfires. I don't know how that will pan out.

We do what we can here, but close knit we definitely are. So if I get one of the t-shirts, does the model come with it???:drop: :drool: :rofl:
I'll talk to them and let them know you're interested :)

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