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MIGHT be gone a few days


Let 'er eat boys!
Union, MO


Good grief! Gone for a few hours and this is what happens. You guys (and gals) are hilarious.:suspicious: smilietease

I am home (well my parents house). I am not sure when they released me from the hospital. When I went in...I was told I would be in at least overnight.

The medicines they injected me with make me groggy. Unfortunately, since I am on dialysis, it won't leave my system until dialysis tomorrow. YUCK!

What they did was insert some sort of catheter into my wrist. Then injected die while this machine hovered over me. I could see part of it on a big screen in there. They found 3 blockages. Two were in my forearm. They ballooned them and are not real concerned with those any longer.

They also found one in my chest from scar tissue. I have had so many surgeries......:headbang: Anyway, they tried to stretch that one, but they are not sure it will hold.

We will try dialysis again for a while and see.

I have to go back and get this same thing done January 9th again. They will stretch the one in my chest again at that time.

If it will not stay stretched, the next option is a stint in there (I have 3 in my heart now).

Beyond that...they would have to find another suitable location for another access.

Anyway, I am so messed up from the meds...I am going back to bed.

I will leave early for dialysis in the morning. I will update this and let everyone know how it goes.

Thanks eveyone for the well wishes. The comments were...a little odd, but funny.

Just so you know...they did not make me remove my jeans. Just my T-shirt. There..thats a much better "mental picture" for you all. :wavey:

Back to sleep now before I fall over this laptop.
upst ny
good to hear Brian. hope D goes well


......I have to go back and get this same thing done January 9th again. They will stretch the one in my chest again at that time.

If it will not stay stretched, the next option is a stint in there (I have 3 in my heart now).

Beyond that...they would have to find another suitable location for another access.....

WEll...just an update. The dialysis is working better than it was before the last "procedure", but still not right.

My left arm is still pretty swolen. I am retaining fluid in my body as well. Dialysis is not pulling it out like it should. When I sit at a computer for a while (like now) my feet, ankles, and lower part of my legs swell huge.

I go back Wednesday afternoon for the "procedure" again. I am not at all worried about that part. It is jut minor pain. The results have me a little worried though. We will see.

I have to go for an echocardiogram Friday. I was at the Cardiologist for a checkup this past friday. Nothing wrong...just a yearly checkup.

No wonder I have so many medical bills though. :headbang:
upst ny
keeping good thoughts for you Brian.


They call me Spuds
Middleton, ID
When I sit at a computer for a while (like now) my feet, ankles, and lower part of my legs swell huge...

Time to start posting inverted.....

hope you get better Brian, its no fun w/o you around all we're left with is harassing Ryan and Carl.... oh and the hippie Chris...


Time to start posting inverted.....

Interesting theory...Let's explore that option.

Instead of the fluid collecting in my would collect in my head.

I think they call that "water on the brain".

If that were true...I would be bald.

My hair would fall in and drown. :rolling laugh:

I am still around for now. I might be missing Wednesday evening and most of Thursday. That medicine does not leave my system until dialysis the next time.

That has me wondering what alcohol would do....:suspicious:


At least it was good news this time. :) The scar tissue that was blocking it before (that they ballooned) is holding its shape at this time. They want the dialysis unit (and myself) to keep watching it.

Now...I need to see if they can start lowering my "dry weight" a little at a time. With all this extra fluid I have lost a lot of body weight. If they drop it too far, my BP will bottom out. They have to be careful, but losing weight is a good thing.


Rep whores make me sick
Glad to hear it's holding. Good luck with the weight, I know it's hard to get it just right. With Robin, they always weighed her with the metric system, ie: kilo's. Is that standard?


Yes...its in kilos. Drives me nuts. LOL

I need to lose weight, but it is difficult with all the fluid problems lately. I will talk to the manager when she is there next time (not there 6 days a week)and see about a slow drop to get rid of the fluid.

I need to get this fluid off. It is not good for my heart and it is very uncomfortable.


Here we go again. :headbang: :(

My arm is swolen to over twice its normal size. Even my shoulder is swolen. Whatever they did last time did not hold. The dialysis is not working properly and I am sick. I guess the toxins are staying in my system instead of getting pulled out.

I go in for the "procedure" again Monday at 8:00 AM.

The problems from that are I have dialysis again Saturday (not looking forward to this one!) and I am supposed to be working Monday afternoon/night.

I have no clue what is going to happen over at the college. smiliecrybaby :waa:
upst ny
well, again you're in my thoughts B. it may be time(just my opinion) to see another specialist concerning these issues. it just seems too frequent to me though i'm far from an expert in the issues / dialysis.

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