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I Just Plugged Her In

Well folks, It's gonna get really cold tonight, so I just plugged my truck in for the first time this winter. That new heat inductive flash works so good, my truck starts like a gasser in the cold...
It's the Old Fart behind the wheel... Giving it a methane boost.


Staff member
Iowa County, Iowa
I haven't plugged min in all winter either... maybe that might be due to not being run all winter... waiting for a clutch...
Hey Tony, I didn't even have to turn off my a/c, it's natural!! My van heater won't turn off, so in the summer, the a/c has to override the heat...
Fellro, the older Chryslers used an IN-LINE cable-actuated valve that shut the flow to the heater core. Ya might score one of those and a choke cable to activate it....


Staff member
Iowa County, Iowa
Oh, It has that, vacuum actuated, but if you have it on anything but recirculate, it is full heat right now, I think it has to do with the BCM going nuts on me.. poor ol' thing has 210,000 miles on it, debating what all I want to invest in it.... it just won't quit though.
I had one (not that this applies to yours) that was vacuum operated and the danged thing got a pinhole in the membrane.... took me forever to figure out why I was losing coolant!
some of them operate a lever with a vac motor... and the lever operates a metal flap inside; they corrode away with time, or even just the tacks on the shaft rust and break loose from the flapper.


Kansas Chapter member
Kansas City
Plugging her in when cold really helps... but running synthetic 5W-40 is a bigger help in my opinion.

Even if the coolant is warm, the oil is cold and 15W-40 just doesn't want to flow that easily through the Huei injection system.

Now... combine both (block heater and 5W-40 oil)... and your truck will start on the first try and be as smooth as a baby's butt... or is that a stripper's butt in Las Vegas... oh well... you know what I mean!!!!

By the way... I use 5W-40 year round (Rotella due to price and availability) and plug her in (even in my garage) when it gets below 10F outside.

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