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Guess eco was right ....


Old guy with old cars
Howdy all.

eco referred me over here, so I decided to come have a look-see. He was right, I do recognize a lot of the names in here.

Hope I can contribute something here, and look forward to helping if I can, but more importantly, hearing from a lotta talent when I need help.

See youz 'round the boards.


Post Whores Make Me Sick
Hey buddy!! We've been waiting for you to get here, glad you made it :)

The other site has been treating myself and some other members kind of poorly lately, so I've made this my new home ;) Hope you'll stick around and post often.


Master Junk Tech
Belle Mead NJ
Welcome. Glad you made the jump.


Virginia Chapter Leader
Welcome Old Paint , remember you from the "other" site, you bring alot to this site.

upst ny
welcome...beware the commies. they are everywhere


PA Chapter leader
central PA
Hi old paint . Yep allot of familiar guys here.


Old guy with old cars
Yeah, I've been noticing a bit of rigidity on "the other" site as well. Not much hope for a smartarse Californian with a dry wit over there. Just think what'll happen when a redneck married to an Aussie really cranks up. Sarcasm is a way of life to the Aussies. And, it rubs off, too.

Glad to be here with all the welcomes. Geez, didn't know I was so popular, LOL. Should I bow or something?

Organized chaos? You must have teens at home too. The only thing organized about having 3 teens (Aussies too) is that they all know where the refrigerator is.

Just hope I can continue to offer valid/good know-how and experience. I'm not ASCE/Ford certified on anything, but have puttered around with engines since I was 12 years old. That first engine was a 1953 Ford 8N tractor. I've loved pulling wrenches since. I'm an electrical engineer now, and have been for 25+ years. Learned a lot from the school of hard knocks.

As far as organization/structure is concerned, I noted one very obvious missing category. Where's the forum for the 5.0 crowd? I haven't had time to crawl the whole site yet, so will look around some more before I ask too many more stupid questions.

As far as contributions, I'm planning a rear suspension overhaul on my 92 effie in upcoming weeks. I thought about documenting it with pictures and pointers to post somewhere for the would-be backyard mechanics that are tired of spending hard-earned money on incompetence at dealerships. No offense to those of you that are "real" Ford mechanics and offer help in these forums. I don't see why that "how-to" shouldn't land right here.

Whoever I need to send it to, please PM me with quickie instructions and guidelines for such an article. If I offer something like that, it isn't for personal gain. The only gain I'm interested in is knowing someone benefitted from something I wrote.


Post Whores Make Me Sick
Old_Paint said:
As far as organization/structure is concerned, I noted one very obvious missing category. Where's the forum for the 5.0 crowd?
Lol, trust me you're not the first to notice. When all the 'other site' refugees got recruited over here they all asked the same question, so the admins have been working closely with myself and several other members to COMPLETELY rehash the forums and give us our own section like we had on the 'other site'. The new format has already been mostly decided and is in the process of being instated. You'll see the changes in the next upcoming week or so ;)

I look forward to CONTINUE reading all of the incredible truck knowledge that you'll share with us. You're a very knowledgeable guy Tim, thanks for joining us and sharing your experiences :)

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