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Engine Compartment Cleaning

OK, I've read some horror stories about people power washing their 6.0 engine compartments.....Can it be done and what precautions need to be taken?


Kansas Chapter member
Osage Beach, MO
I haven't had any issues. I cover my air cleaner, as it's an exposed K&N style, I cover the computer on the drivers side, as it's expossed, and I cover the computer as best I can under the degas bottle. I also try to do it while the engine is cool. Hitting that cast iron while hot wouldn't be very good I wouldn't think.


Let 'er eat boys!
Union, MO
I don't know hwo your guys motors are set up but I used to take a four inch pvc cap and remove the k&n filter. Replace it with the cap and screw it down tight. That way i knew for sure that there was NO water getting in the intake! And yes definatly when cool!


Certified Ford Tech
we use a steam cleaner at work and as long as it has no open filter, i worry about nothing. every connector SHOULD have a seal on it and there will be nothing to worry about. havent had a issue yet.


Kansas Chapter member
Kansas City
What is a good type or brand of degreaser or cleaner to use?

Have been told that some brands do not like aluminum and or rubber parts... so curious what is a good brand or type to spray on, let sit for a minute or two and hose off (not necessarily with a pressure washer).


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