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Dash mounted speed control-control?


Tulsa, Ok
Alvin i thought about diong that my self to, molding it into the dash and all but i found this and forgot about


they make a few variations but there to install aftermarket wheels
Thanks AG. :) I saw those but hadn't priced one. ;)

A lot of my crazy idea has to do with putting it on the dash to match my
Old Clunker. ;)


Swapped out the servo head/mechanism and it didn't do a bit of good. :)

Fixed it today tho! :) ...problem is I swapped out two parts at once. :/

I'm figuring it was a junky-looking and worn speedometer-driven-gear that
was causing the speedometer needle to be jumpy. And it was effecting the
speed control and VSS too. It now feels like the power and operation of
the engine is better, because it was effecting the EEC too?

Was fixing to get on here today and ask for Bill's help finding a new cable
but after the gear and VSS swap the speedometer is perfectly stable now.

Here's the other part I swapped, the VSS mechanism itself...

So, if you've got a jumpy speedometer needle, this new-stuff ain't like the
old-stuff, this new stuff is all-tied-together and it needs to be fixed for the
best performance. I'm thinking the new setup will improve the gas mileage. :)
(hadn't measured it yet, still too new! :)


Also so far so good on the speedometer cable lube I used too...
...DuPont's Multi-Use dry-wax with Teflon.

Basically washed out the insides of the cable with that super-thin stuff! :)

Alvin (the tinkering fool) in AZ

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