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Lost my job tonight...


Let 'er eat boys!
Union, MO
Like we always say babe, "Times R tuff, but dey get better!"


Staff member
Yes, disability is based on the money that you have contributed. Haven't contributed or haven't put in much, you don't get much back. It just isn't that simple for most applicants to get it, and it takes time as well. Typically only 20% of the claims filed get cleared, the rest get rejected and have to appeal, which takes time. It is not a temp fix, as you will not get it if you likely will recover form your "disability", it has to be permanent. I still don't do well standing still, and the "expert" for the gov't was rattling off plenty of standing jobs I was "qualified" for... only if you want to sentence me to a wheelchair! Maybe they play the game a little different out there, but the judges here are not as relaxed with handing out the benefits. I also am enrolled in the voc rehab program so as to hopefully get back off the disability. That is why I am back in college, I would have been happy to stick with my welding jobs. I just hope after I get through all this schooling that my back won't scare them off. ADA or not, they can find plenty of excuses to not hire someone if they want to. That is why I had to survive 3 years with no paycheck. Many will not hire a person with back issues for insurance and liability issues. I had to get the disability to just get by, but it is nowhere near the life of luxury some seem to think it is. Also, fraud is not taken lightly. They find out you defrauded them, it is federal jail time, plus loss of benefits for life.

She Devil

Trucks are for GIRLS!
A house...
Trista thanks :) for the advice/input, but I don't have a need for disability. I have some discomforts, but I am able to work through them and do consider myself lucky for that. I did have to use Short Term through my company last year when I had my surgeries, but that's it.

I am getting a small severance package (which is far better than nothing) and I am crunching numbers like crazy and getting rid of things that I can to make up for what unemployment can't pay me. I had hopes of finding a 'decent' job (I will never make the money I did around here again here period), but they crushed today. EVERY decent paying job here has had massive layoffs. It is BAD here. It may take years but my goal is to sell my home and move the hell out of here. In the meantime someone is helping me get set up with someone that can help me (hopefully) go to school so I can get into a field that always needs people and pays well. It's the ONLY long term real solution. I have to think about now as well I know, but what good is that if I don't plan for the next 20-30 years of work I have left in me?

I will collect my unemployment while I ACTIVELY search for a decent job. I won't settle for some cruddy job unless my money is gonna run out fast.

I know in the end I'll be OK, but the job meant SO much more to me than money and that's hard to explain. I literally feel like part of me died. People may not ever get that, but if they (or anyone really) knew what I came from and the obstacles I went through and such they would know why the job was SO much more about everything and not so much about money.

I know I am not the only one affected by this so I don't mean to sound like some sort of pity party. Just venting amongst friends. It sure beats the non stop crying, ya know? Thanks for the kind words everyone.

I'll shut up now. Hah.


Texas Chapter Leader
finding a job that is not about the money should be people's goal in life.
If you get up and go to work happy everyday, enjoing your job then you have done good.
If you dread getting out of bed and cant wait to get out of work everyday, you need a new job.
I konw i enjoy my job...
When i stop enjoying it, i will look for a new one.
Im not talking about an off day here or there.
Or even a hectic week that you want to get through, more like hating the smell of chicken grease, and working at kfc all day long.


Staff member
If you are going into the medical field, it is a job that has plenty of personal reward, and there are always jobs in... CNA's are constantly needed, and you can move your way up and increase your pay as you do, and have more respect from those under you than these people that go to school with never having worked as a CNA or LPN. Some never work the lower levels, and feel that work is "below them" My wife encounters that a lot, the CNA's love her because she understands their job, she was one. She works with plenty of nurses that feel the CNA job is for CNA's only, while people like my wife and mother both feel whatever it takes to get the job done... But either way, nursing is a job that will never go away, and CNA is a quick way to get back into a paycheck while you work for your LPN. Many facilities will assist you with your schooling as well.

She Devil

Trucks are for GIRLS!
A house...
Exactly truckin. I was PROUD of my job and what I did and it's one of the two I can say that about. The other was a volunteer job. I was able to hold my head up for once! I liked most of the people I worked with. I never thought I'd cry over a job. I swear it's worse than a heartbreak and we all know how bad that can be. Weird I know and admit. Funny you mention KFC. I did that as well as worked a night job before I got the job I just lost and that is EXACTLY what I don't want again. I am not knocking those jobs, they are honest jobs. It's hard to explain it really is.

I don't want to go there again.

She Devil

Trucks are for GIRLS!
A house...
If you are going into the medical field, it is a job that has plenty of personal reward, and there are always jobs in... CNA's are constantly needed, and you can move your way up and increase your pay as you do, and have more respect from those under you than these people that go to school with never having worked as a CNA or LPN. Some never work the lower levels, and feel that work is "below them" My wife encounters that a lot, the CNA's love her because she understands their job, she was one. She works with plenty of nurses that feel the CNA job is for CNA's only, while people like my wife and mother both feel whatever it takes to get the job done... But either way, nursing is a job that will never go away, and CNA is a quick way to get back into a paycheck while you work for your LPN. Many facilities will assist you with your schooling as well.
There is only one problem with me being in the medical field. I would not handle it well. I don't do good in emergency situations or with sick people or any of that. :( It takes a special person to do it and God bless the ones that can. IMO Not just anyone can be a C.N.A. or nurse and I am one of those that can't. I am JUST too emotional and not in a good way. Crying over a sick or hurt person isn't going to help anyone.

Maybe administration.


Texas Chapter Leader
I know where your coming from Karen, my dream job is to be a fire fighter, but here its likely never going to happen the competition here is ridiculous there maybe 3 or 4 opening a year and you can have up too 300 people take the written test.

I did it for several years as a volunteer and i thorugly enjoyed it.


Boom Shaka Laka
Dallas, TX
my dream job is to be a fire fighter, but here its likely never going to happen the competition here is ridiculous there maybe 3 or 4 opening a year and you can have up too 300 people take the written test.
Jeez man, go to hometown took 50 new ones last year alone and they're still rapidly expanding.


You Had to be There
Trista thanks :) for the advice/input, but I don't have a need for disability. I have some discomforts, but I am able to work through them and do consider myself lucky for that. I did have to use Short Term through my company last year when I had my surgeries, but that's it.

I am getting a small severance package (which is far better than nothing) and I am crunching numbers like crazy and getting rid of things that I can to make up for what unemployment can't pay me. I had hopes of finding a 'decent' job (I will never make the money I did around here again here period), but they crushed today. EVERY decent paying job here has had massive layoffs. It is BAD here. It may take years but my goal is to sell my home and move the hell out of here. In the meantime someone is helping me get set up with someone that can help me (hopefully) go to school so I can get into a field that always needs people and pays well. It's the ONLY long term real solution. I have to think about now as well I know, but what good is that if I don't plan for the next 20-30 years of work I have left in me?

I will collect my unemployment while I ACTIVELY search for a decent job. I won't settle for some cruddy job unless my money is gonna run out fast.

I know in the end I'll be OK, but the job meant SO much more to me than money and that's hard to explain. I literally feel like part of me died. People may not ever get that, but if they (or anyone really) knew what I came from and the obstacles I went through and such they would know why the job was SO much more about everything and not so much about money.

I know I am not the only one affected by this so I don't mean to sound like some sort of pity party. Just venting amongst friends. It sure beats the non stop crying, ya know? Thanks for the kind words everyone.

I'll shut up now. Hah.

Glad to see you have both a short term and long term plan i place. Keep your chin up!


Charter Member
Just don't rule anything out Karen. Sometimes the "appearance" of a cruddy job may be just that.

The girl I am seeing now is a teacher. Been doing it for 6 years when her school laid her off due to cutbacks. Well after looking for the "perfect" teaching job she finally "settled" on one that was at least teaching in her field. It was a bad school, with bad kids and poor management BUT it was a paycheck. After being there for only one semester they have offered her a "dream" job teaching at a school 2 miles from her home and the same school both her kids attend. She is happier then a pig in slop to be getting this job and it all started with her being laid off from a job she liked.

Take whatever job you have and do your best and you will always have a job you can be proud of.

She Devil

Trucks are for GIRLS!
A house...
A dear friend of mine is in the National Guard and told me they extended the maximum age. I qualify so I am heavily considering joining. I think it would be a great experience all around. If I already had someone to keep the kids while their father was at work I would so do it. If I can get that situation sorted I am gonna do it. Cross your fingers for me.


Rep whores make me sick
I will be unemployed come Feb 1rst. Company is closing down and auctioning everything off.


Clown of Death!
I will be unemployed come Feb 1rst. Company is closing down and auctioning everything off.
It's not looking too good is it? Tony you'll have to open your own custom 4x4 shop.

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