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Wind Chill

OK folks, I saw this topic debated on another board and thought I'd pose the same question here.......Let's say it's 5 degrees outside with a 30 MPH wind out of the north and your vehicle is parked outside facing into that wind. Does the wind chill effect how your vehicle starts in the morning after an overnight cold soak?

Bob Ayers

North Carolina Chapter member
Durham, NC
I'll saw's the actual temp that effects starting, not the wind chill....


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
Yep, I'm with Bob.

Wind chill is more or less a "made-up" measurement of what it "feels like" under some set of conditions- you can't measure it with a thermometer or anything.

Your car only cares what the actual temperature is.

*HOWEVER- whether your car is parked in the wind or not WILL affect how quickly it cools down, and how long after you park it you're back to a "cold-start" situation.


former Ford Master Tech
The only factor that I could think of is if that wind was blowing sme snow and it somehow packed around some things. More than likely though this would give other concerns than a no start.


Staff member
16 years of driving a AAA tow truck. When the wind is blowing, you get more no start calls than when its not. What does this mean..........I'm not sure, other than theres more calls.


Staff member
Iowa County, Iowa
I know they say it doesn't affect machines, but my experience is that it is tougher to get a vehicle going that has been sitting in the cold wind like that. Also, I have seen diesel tractors miss when the injection lines are in the wind. The only difference is that they are in the wind, the temp remains, and as soon as you turn so that the injection lines are out of the wind, it runs fine. I've also seen diesel semi's have trouble running down the road, but idle fine, because the fuel in the supply lines gels when the air is flowing under the truck, but they cold start just fine. The only difference is the moving air...

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