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Why I'm not politicly correct.


Staff member
Folks, A lot of us here are "refugees" of sorts. A site we frequented a lot, wasn't very friendly any more. For me, helping with automotive issues was appealing enough to keep showing up there. It developed into better ways to pull the wool over the dealerships eyes. I wanted no part of that. I was looking for a site that was both friendly for family scrutiny (my grandchildren look occasionally), and appreciative of someone like me, that wanted to supply advice. Due to Brad, Ryan, and Scott starting FTF, I believe I found it. These gentlemen have been running this site like I would hope. Lately, there has been somewhat edgy comments made toward a couple of the administrators. These two gentlemen have shown suprising restraint. I cant allow my grandchildren to look at this site for fear they might see one of the more unflattering remarks. Even though I have no authority here, I am requesting that remarks, such as commenting on someones sexual preference, or someones age, be toned down, or eliminated totally. This is a great site, we as members need to keep it that way. A little kidding around is expected, shoot, required, but remember, there is a line that shouldn't be crossed. If you're wondering, I'm not politicly correct, because I will speak my mind at any time! If I rub someone wrong, pm me, because I run mouth, then engage brain. So, lets keep it pg out there, please


I've got to stand with Vince on this one. I know that we joke and kid each other a lot and that's what make this site great. Most of us are comfortable with the other members of Ford Truck Fanatics enough that we can joke with each other on just about anything but I too have felt a little uncomfortable these last few weeks about some of the remarks. I have total respect for the 3 site administrators and while they are not above being targeted for a good joke I have felt some of the gay comments inappropriate towards Ryan. Besides the reasons that Vince stated we also need to consider what a potential member or visitor might think about our site not knowing that we are joking. If any member feels that my remarks or comments are unacceptable or that I've crossed the line please tell me and I'll take my beating. But like Vince sometimes I got to speak my mind. Thank you and I'll get off my soapbox now.


Post Whores Make Me Sick
I'll admit some of the fault here, I liked to play along with the inappropriate comments, but mostly tried to keep it in the lounge; I thought that's what it was there for... I joined pretty recently and stuff like that has been going on since I joined, guess I was just trying to fit in with the rest? Yeah, I'll use that as an excuse :D

Anywho, personally, I enjoy being picked on and being able to pick on the other guys, it's what makes me come back to this site. But I do see your point here, in that, other members might be offended, namely new comers. I'll tone it back if everyone else can, as much as I don't wanna :p

What can I say, I'm still a kid! (I think I'm the youngest on here at least...)
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Kansas Chapter member
Osage Beach, MO
Sorry Vince. You've really got a good point. We know we're kiddin, but newcomers and kids don't catch on to that right away. I'll keep things in line for myself. YelloThumbUp

ON EDIT: Also, MAJOR apologies to Ryan. I've made some very poor posts in jest, but I know I've recently made some posts in VERY poor taste. I did not mean any disrespect, but I said things that I should never have. Please forgive me and I'll clean things up in the future.
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