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Vince.. Vane question..


Registered User
Round Rock, TX
I'm running an Aggressive Street tune from Innovative and I had a situation today.. I've never had this problem before and I've ran several other tunes from other companies.. I spoke with the Tuner and he said it sounds like a Vane issue.. Again I've never had a problem with the Vanes.. She boosts 28lbs solid every time on any tune..

I was climbing a hill, started loosing speed.. Wasn't thinking about it until I started seeing 30mph.. So I rolled the throttle a bit for it to kick down a gear and climb.. I wasn't loaded, just FYI.. When I rolled the thing started bucking like a stuck EGR.. EGR was cleaned and disabled through tuning.. Haven't had it running for 15k miles.. My boost was bouncing between 9 and 13lbs.. It sounded like I was popping some air back out my intake (or maybe it was the boost line hitting the Pillar).. I backed off thinking hmmm.. So I rolled the throttle to 60%, it dropped a gear and took off like a bat out of hell.. Everything was fine the rest of my drive..

Any ideas? I reckon I'll pull the turbo this weekend.. Only thing I need is O-Ring kit right?


Staff member
Yeah, it sounds like the "turbo fart" we all know and love. They make Roloc discs 1" in diameter that are a big help cleaning everything. If you're careful, you can actually do it with no parts needed. Mark everything before dis-assembly, including clamp orientation. Get yourself a copy of the turbo coking tsb (it describes the procedure quite well). Take your time, and you'll be fine.


Registered User
Round Rock, TX
What is sounded like.. Just couldn't figure the Vane.. I dont have that issue with any other tune.. I'm not loosing power with others.. She runs like normal.. I was thinking originally that it was a problem with the Tune, it didnt know what to do under those conditions so it started acting retarded.. Seriously felt like an gum'd up EGR but mine is clean and disabled.. I'll pull it and give it a look over..


Registered User
Round Rock, TX
Warranty? What warranty? I don't have Warranty LOL


Staff member
Heh, Heh, Heh, Bring it to me! Nah, the turbo fart can happen either on accel, or decel. You might try removing your tune and trying it to see if its related to your tune. I'm a believer that disabling your egr doesn't completely eliminate egr issues. So, be sure to look carefully at it as well.


Registered User
Round Rock, TX
Right.. if I remove the tune and put in another tune its fine.. I just put this tune in yesterday to test it and this is what happen..

I can't go to stock, because I've pulled the Throttle Body out.. I'm using a PCM Strat thats one up from mine that has no coding for the Throttle Body.. I was one of the unlucky souls who didnt get his removed or PCM modified.. It runs perfectly fine.. However I've never put it to stock so I'm not sure what it'd start doing without having that Throttle Valve on.. Probably a buncha codes.. Hard to troubleshoot with Tunes LOL.. Just figured I'd get some ideas..

I'm gonna go hit that hill again and see what it does..


Certified Ford Tech
if your egr valve is still in the system, it can still cause issues. remove it, weld it up, replace the orings and go drive. the backpressure will push open a egr valve, seen it done to many times.


Registered User
Round Rock, TX
LOL Bow.. I seen you answer on the other forum.. Thanks.. I'm going to run the hill today with another file and see if it does it again.. I honestly don't believe its the engine.. I think its the Tune File.. Seems like something is out of whack.. But if it happens again, then I'll go pull the EGR and weld it shut..

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