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V2..The Dents We Find

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All work carried out by professional tradesmen. Drives really well and sits down nicely in the corners - a fun drive. Original RHD so no shaggin' around asking the missus if there's anything coming.
^^ Why do all the vehicles down under have cow catchers on them ?

That truck is an aussie import (they made them there rhd) and they call them 'roo bars over there - when you get a bit further out back from the towns the kangaroos tend to run out in front of you at nighttime and can really make a mess of your vehicle as they weigh anywhere from 40 to 200 pounds ...... but really they are there 'cos a lot of people think they just look cool.

Great for opening up the gap in carparks though
To bad you can't eat them. We have deer problems in the US.

"Using its claims data, State Farm®, the nation’s leading auto insurer, estimates 1.09 million collisions between deer and vehicles* occurred in the U.S. between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. That’s 9 percent less than three years ago and 7 percent fewer than one year ago"

Jolly Green

I Salt My Ketchup


Arrogant A-hole At-Large
outside your house
Is this that D-bag we used to catch trying to sell well polished turds all the time? It looks like one of his ads, though the truck doesn't really look too bad.

I believe he was in Idaho.
To bad you can't eat them. We have deer problems in the US.

"Using its claims data, State Farm®, the nation’s leading auto insurer, estimates 1.09 million collisions between deer and vehicles* occurred in the U.S. between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. That’s 9 percent less than three years ago and 7 percent fewer than one year ago"

You can eat them - they taste pretty good.

Where i live there are a population of wallabys (small kangaroos)that got established from aussie over 100 years ago and they taste pretty good with the meat being really lean and tender.

Thats a lot of deer - if you managed to bowl one of them over that would put a bit of meat in the freezer Mark.


Staff member
I have had near misses, light glances, bumper bounces, and total frontal destruction... My dad was driving my car one time, and was stopped, and one ran right into the door. Had one run out in front of me, wipe out, ran it over on the neck. Papa destroyed the front a couple miles later, and ran away. Had one bounce its head off of the front bumper, no damage, killed the doe. Took that one home and filled the freezer. Launched one off of the front of the econobeater I drive, killed it, broke out the new headlight, bent the fender a little. Replaced headlight.


Staff member
hit a deer in my '87 Subby once... Had the grille guard on it then... didn't leave a mark on the truck. the deer could not be reached for comment.


Arrogant A-hole At-Large
outside your house
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Tonto Papadapolous
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It all makes you wonder what else is not true? If anything at all.:(
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Arrogant A-hole At-Large
outside your house
It all makes you wonder what else is not true?:('s a pretty sweet rig, and I wouldn't mind having it in my driveway. However, when it comes time to sell, it makes a big difference (in my mind anyway) on what price I'm willing to pay if everything is original even down to the last bolt, or NOS, or OEM, or LMC stuff. When you make that point to sellers, typically, they take offense and are now turned off to making a more realistic deal. However, there's usually a buyer out there that'll bite hook, line and sinker...and are glad to pay the price, either because they don't know any better, would build the truck that way anyway and don't want to invest the time or money.
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