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Steering Line Up


Registered User
Round Rock, TX
Ok.. can someone educate me.. My center steer is bout 4* off left when cruising.. Alignment is perfect.. I had this problem last time it was aligned.. Ended up having my buddies at Ford fix it.. I know they unbolted the adjustable draglink bracket..

So I'm assuming thats the clamp in the middle of the lower bar.. Has two clamps with bolt nuts.. I loosen those two ends up, then twist the center section until the steering wheel is pulled straight with the wheels straight right? I think thats how they did it.. Know the kid was down with a wrench turning something while I watched the wheel move and get straight..

I dunno what it is with alignment shops.. Their machine say "Centered" but I think the piece that is suppose to hold my wheel straight isn't doing it so even tho it says center, the wheel is still off.. It's annoying to drive like that.. Other then that the steering is solid, no bumpsteer or dead space.. :)


Staff member
Iowa County, Iowa
The draglink doesn't control the center as much as the link from the steering box to the drag link. The cross drag link holds the tires in relation to each other, while the link from the steering box to the drag link is adjustable to center the steering wheel. Unfortunately, it seems they neglected to watch steering wheel center, they likely set it according to where it was, not where it should be in relation to the tires.In the old days, they had the steering wheel be removable so they could set it on to what drove straight after setting the crosslink.


I have no clue about alignment or anything, but the guy who alligns ours (had for many years) sets the steering wheel straight and locks it to the drivers seat (with some sort of thing) before he checks the front end. I have never had a steering wheel be off center after he got through with one.


Staff member
Iowa County, Iowa
I'm sure they did the same Brian, but unfortunately, the tires can run true to each other, but have the steering wheel turned when done. However, that is why they should always do a drive test before handing it back to the customer.If there is any slop at all between the steering wheel and the crosslink, it will show up by having the wheel go off center.


former Ford Master Tech
Fellro gave the right information but if you turned the lower drag link then you have set your toe, and probably incorrectly. You need to take it back to that shop and demand that they get it right. If they are a reputable shop they will do it. If they refuse, take it to a decent shop and file a complaint with your local better business bureau and/or chamber of comerce.

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