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rough day/week


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
This is the last week that professors are allowed to give exams here (in general) so it's always a rough week.

I was lazy last week and the first half of this week, so I ended up staying up late Tuesday night studying for an exam Wednesday morning, and then staying up late last night writing an 8 minute speech (20% of my grade in one class) that I had to give today.

Woke up early this morning to finish preparing for the speech (tired and feeling like hell) and got an e-mail from my father saying my grandmother (his mother) has been admitted to the hospital. She has had some form of leukemia for some time, but whatever it is, it has been treatable with medication. Now it appears that that is no longer working (when Dad e-mailed me, he didn't know any more than that). He said he didn't think I needed to haul ass down there tonight or this weekend (about 275 miles), but would get back to me tonight or tomorrow. I still haven't heard back from him, but I'm going to plan assuming I'll make that trip. The $60 in gas won't matter worth a damn in the long run.

Two years ago, when I was a freshman, my truck broke down during finals week. I got it fixed, but I still didn't trust it (IAC filled with crud and a wheel bearing issue I didn't know if I caught in time- turns out I did). Anyway, I had one final left on Friday morning, and then I was driving home. Thursday night, I was worrying about the truck and studying calc. when my father called and told me that his father had had a serious stroke. I managed to pass the final and get down to the hospital and see my grandfather before he died the next week.

At this rate I might start hating Christmas pretty soon. :(


Rough finals weeks. Hope your grandmother stabilizes.

They allow make up work at the school where I teach if something major happens. Well...I say they is up to the individual instructors (delaying them is a ton of paperwork for us). I have had a couple of students over the years that had finals delayed. They came and talked to me and we worked it out (before they left).

I had one last year that finished her work, projects, and took the final a week early. She had job training starting that week in PA.

On a side note: Monday is our last final this semester.


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
Finals are two weeks away- that gives me time to go see her, and still prepare for them.

Freshman year, I didn't know if he'd still be alive when I got there, but I had no chance to talk to the professor before the actual test started, so I figured I might as well just take the thing. I knew getting a good grade would have been important to my grandfather.


I know it seems silly at times of illness in the family, but they are proud of you for sticking to it. Like you said...getting a good grade would have been important to him.

When do you get out of classes? When do you start back up?

We have a month off this time....:suspicious:

The 10th is my last class this semester and my first one in the spring is not until January 12th.


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
Classes end next Friday (the 14th), and finals officially end the following Friday (the 21st) but my last final is the 19th.

We start back up on January 16th.


Staff member
Iowa County, Iowa
Back in 92, I was a freshman as well, and had a serious fire accident that put me in the hospital, the weekend before finals... They let me make it up on some classes, others just made a grade based on what I had done already.


I was in and out of the hospital when I was in college. I would go a semester and end up dropping out the next. I did manage to finish some of my classes while paralized in a nursing home. Dad would read the unit and then ask me the questions on the test. He would write down whatever I said. I passed all of the ones that could be done that way.

Most of my tech stuff was hands on though. I was at the college in my wheel chair (could not stand on my own) as soon as I was out of the hospital. Its funny to look back at the college pictures with me like that....Ok...not exactly funny, but :suspicious:


Ian - hang in there. My senior year of college my grandfather was diagnosed with brain cancer and was given 4 weeks to live. That happend to be the last 4 weeks of my final semester so I had tons of papers to write and finals. While I wanted to spend every minute with him I knew in my heart that he would have wanted me to finish college. I did my best, concentrated on my studies and completed my degree. And yes I attended his funeral in there as well. I don't know your Grandmother but I'll bet she is very proud of you and understands the importance of your education. Do what you can to see her but also don't loose sight of what you need to get through those finals. I'm sure if you asked her she would agree. Hang in there bro - I'm with you.
One method for trying to deal with stressful situations is try to imagine the worst that could happen, then determine what you will do if it does and accept that it could. The PROBLEM with that, is there are so many angles to your situation that just trying to do so is stressful in itself.
A few things to remember;
Call everyone involved. let your grandmother know you love her and are thinking about her. Let your family know you are praying. Talk to your professors; let them know what's hanging over your head, and arrange ahead of time the possibility of taking an "I" or a deferred grade... they are human too.
Most of all, BREATHE. seriously! Get up and go for a walk to get your blood flowing, get oxygen to your brain and keep your Blood Pressure at a level that won't cost you any sleep-time.
When you study, read out loud into a recorder or even your PC to load your recordings onto a CD, so in the event you need to go for a drive, you can review your studies en route. A bonus to doing this is that you can also listen as you move about campus.
I will be praying for you... I lost my own grandmother during finals week, and I lost the best friend I had ever known in my childhood during a very demanding and hectic time in my life; I don't want you to make the mistakes I made in the aftermath, so even though I know it's worrisome NOW, it WILL end, and in God's timing alone.
God bless, Brother.


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
Thanks for all the support guys.

Her prognosis is looking somewhat better (as of last night), because the first doctor (not her regular one) did not know her history and was worried by things that her regular doctor knows are "normal" for her.
mrfixit said:
One method for trying to deal with stressful situations is try to imagine the worst that could happen, then determine what you will do if it does and accept that it could...
That is how I deal with most difficult situations. In this case, I know that she is willing to accept that this could be the end, and comfortable with that- she's led a long, good life, and is happy with that. I figure, if that's the way she wants to look at it, then that's how I'll look at it too. It sucks, but such is life. I can accept that.

I'm driving home tonight because I've got more time this weekend than next, even though the consensus is that I don't really need to. I'd rather waste a day and a tank of gas than regret not going.

*Yes, my name is Ian.

Bob Ayers

North Carolina Chapter member
Durham, NC
Have a safe trip Ian! I'll be praying for your grandmother, you, and the rest of your family!


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
I just got back from visiting her. She is being transferred to Boston, where she will be treated at Dana-Farber. Her doctor is cautiously optimistic that she will be able to recover to where she was a few months ago shortly, and she hopes to be back at home by Christmas.

At any rate, she looked and sounded pretty well, and seems pleased with the care she is getting. Predictably, she told me I shouldn't have bothered to drive down, but I'm still glad I did.

Thanks again, guys!
Sometimes our impulses really are telling us what we NEED to do, lol...

Well, except R's...


I just got back from visiting her. She is being transferred to Boston, where she will be treated at Dana-Farber. Her doctor is cautiously optimistic that she will be able to recover to where she was a few months ago shortly, and she hopes to be back at home by Christmas.

At any rate, she looked and sounded pretty well, and seems pleased with the care she is getting. Predictably, she told me I shouldn't have bothered to drive down, but I'm still glad I did.

Thanks again, guys!

Even though it might not have been necessary, I bet she and you both are glad you did. You never know when things might turn bad. This time it sounds like it is turning out Ok though.

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