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Problem with Fake Overheating. With my 2008 F450 6.4

I have a 2008 F450 6.4 4 wheel drive dually. (I do not pull any trailers) The problem I am having is that I will be driving and all of a sudden in 1 second my Temp gauge will max out like it is overheating and the dash will tell me that i am running on reduce engine power (Which I do not feel any difference in power). I will pull over and kill the engine and raise the hood and it is not overheating. And now I just pull over and kill the engine and restart engine and it is back to normal. I have changed the following trying to fix it.
1. Fan Clutch Motorcraft
2. Temp Sensor (Motorcraft)
3. Thermostats (Motorcraft)
4. Temp Sensor Pig Tail Connector
5. Water Pump (Motorcraft)
6. Radiator
7. All Radiator Hoses and heater hoses.

Also is there a way on a 6.4 to add a manual switch to kick in the Fan Clutch on high manually. Like they do on a 6.0 called the blue wire mod. the wires are different on a 6.4.

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