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Prayers needed desperately...


Charter Member
Well, another update, been quite the roller coaster ride lately. The last week was a make or break time, she has been going for tomography treatment, basically, they target the tumor with lasers to try to kill it and get it to let go, since the other treatments were working to get the tumor to start releasing. They wanted it gone, since it was on the brain stem. Well, after 4 treatments of that, the neurologist told her that it wasn't changing, and there was nothing he could do for her, which of course put her into a bit of a tailspin.... Well, today she went in for her final treatment, and the technician told her they couldn't find the tumor.... it was totally gone! I could just kick the NS in the nuts for that, and her doc wants to know why he WAS LOOKING AT THE OLD PICS!!! But anyway, the good news is that the tumor is gone, completely. Still have a few others to deal with, but in less critical areas, so we definitely have the upper hand on the disease, so that is awesome news to get, with how bad these treatments have been for her, glad they are over, and not for nothing!

THAT is absolutely OUTSTANING!

It's amazing how, when all seems lost, hope springs out of the darkness and illuminates what had been a dreadful situation! I Thank God for your wife's amazing success, and I continue to pray that this progress snowballs into complete recovery~!


Hitech hillbilly
Staff member
A few verses come to mind for this. We need to keep praying.about her recovery. Prayer really does work.
That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven Matthew 18:19
For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them Matthew 18:20


Staff member
The great thing now also is that she is no longer in pain. For the last month or so, she has had severe headaches because of that tumor. It left painfully, but I worked hard to get some scrap hauled to get the money for pain meds, and also my sister kicked in some money to get them as well, since the total was nearly $800 for the cocktail painkillers she had to have (a mix of cocaine, heroin and morphine... no pain!!!!) She has actually been able to sleep the past couple nights like she has needed to for so long, still tires easy, but given time, she should be fine. The other great thing about all this is that her doc and the San Antonio cancer center as well as a few local hospitals have picked up the tab for her medical expenses, so all we have to deal with is the meds. She is the leading experiment of the product, the plan is already out to try it on more people, as they are already gathering candidates for an official study to try to duplicate her results. This success adds to their reasons to move forward with the study group, although they already considered it a success due to the other tumors going away, as well as this one starting to let loose.


PA Chapter leader
central PA
Thanks for posting this . I'm glad everything you PM'd me seemed to work out.

May she continue to sllep well . Being rested really thigs.


Kansas Chapter member
Holy Crap ROger!! That's freakin' AWESOME news!! Keep us posted. I'm very interested in hearing more about the experimental part!! Ya'll are still in our prayers too!!


Staff member
Do a search on colostrum, that is the base of the treatment...


Charter Member
GOOD TO HEAR! Man that is some kind of cocktail she's taking...........But if thats what it takes to do the job, good to go :)

Keep us posted



Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
God Bless. I'm thrilled to hear such fantastic news.



Pennsylvania Chapter Member
wow this is great news to hear that she doing better, prayers are still being said for your family though, I hope that everything that is wrong big or little goes away, keep us posted on things though ok.


Staff member
Well, another PET scan today, and even better news as a result: no tumors remain! The cancer is gone, and the blood work is back to normal, so no more of this crap!!!!! You can bet others will also be seeing this treatment to boot....


PA Chapter leader
central PA
Great . Now maybe things can get a little more normal for ya.

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