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Prayers needed desperately...

still in my Chris said..never give up. positve thinking by her and your support even on the bad days, will help her fight.


Kansas Chapter member
You and your family have been on my Churches Prayer list ever since the first announcement. You shall continue to be as well!! I also believe that the mind has it's own healing powers and that her having a positive attitude and fighting can and will prevail!


Staff member
She plans on finishing out this semester at college, we'll have to see on the Fall. She is planning on keeping going as long as she is able. If nothing more, it keeps her mind focused somewhere else. I'm doing my best to try and keep her positive, but she is of course very scared now, having lost her step mother to a brain tumor just a few years ago. The stuff she is taking isn't exactly FDA approved, (go figure..) but it definitely is having an effect, with no chemo. Hopefully, it can keep going with it's natural healing properties, and get these too, there is just so many tumors that her body is working hard to keep up. It is promising that progress is being seen. If nothing more, other people will benefit by this treatment being brought to the attention of her doctor, who is very impressed.


Staff member
Well, a surprise for the day... My wife still is going to class, and as a clinical for the day, the subject was tumors. She got to sit in on a discussion of 4 cases. Well, lo and behold, hers was one of them! She got to hear the experts of the field giving their opinion of her case, without them knowing she was the patient being discussed, and it was all good! They are extremely impressed with the results so far. So that is certainly promising to hear....

While that sounds pretty good, it doesn't end there. You might wonder what would sound better, but consider this; there is a 6 month old baby struggling with leukemia. As a result of the positive results my wife has seen, they decided to use the treatment she is doing on the baby! Now that is awesome, if they can recover the child, without chemo!


Flatheads Forever
Wonderful to hear this news Roger! It must have been a little un-nerving to listen to your case being discussed tho.........


Staff member
It would seem her doc didn't realize that she was going to be in the clinical, and he cleared it with her before going ahead. The cool thing is that she had been in touch with the cancer center in San Antonio, and they were on conference call throughout the clinical... in the process, upped her dosage as well.... they also made the decision on the baby at that time.


Charter Member
GOOD TO GO man........GOOD TO GO! Been out of the loop for a while, but this is EXCELLENT news...........



PA Chapter leader
central PA
Sounds great . We'll keep praying .


Staff member
Well, another update, been quite the roller coaster ride lately. The last week was a make or break time, she has been going for tomography treatment, basically, they target the tumor with lasers to try to kill it and get it to let go, since the other treatments were working to get the tumor to start releasing. They wanted it gone, since it was on the brain stem. Well, after 4 treatments of that, the neurologist told her that it wasn't changing, and there was nothing he could do for her, which of course put her into a bit of a tailspin.... Well, today she went in for her final treatment, and the technician told her they couldn't find the tumor.... it was totally gone! I could just kick the NS in the nuts for that, and her doc wants to know why he WAS LOOKING AT THE OLD PICS!!! But anyway, the good news is that the tumor is gone, completely. Still have a few others to deal with, but in less critical areas, so we definitely have the upper hand on the disease, so that is awesome news to get, with how bad these treatments have been for her, glad they are over, and not for nothing!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is such great news!!! I'm so happy to hear that!!!! I can't put into words how excited I am for you guys! Ahh!!!!!! Tell her to keep up the good work and you keep supporting her. That is fantastic news.


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
Terrific news!

Very glad to hear it!


Post Whores Make Me Sick
Wow Roger that's fantastic news!! Congratulations buddy. Now go live it up and make the best of the addition time that has just been granted to you guys. Enjoy life to the fullest :)


Moscow, ID
Thats fantastic news! My best thoughts and hope still with you and yours!
great news. been in my thoughts since Feb.

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