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lincoln/cadillac air compressor/air tank


Grabber Green Consultant
ok so ive been thinking about this for a little bit now. i was thinking about putting some sort of compressor/air tank in my truck. i got the idea of using the compressor/air tank from a lincoln or cadillac and wiring it into my truck and mounting it either under the truck or in the bed. i was wondering if anybody has done this or if they would happen to know where i could get one? it would be mostly used for adjusting tire pressure on the road/ and off the road. maybe using an air gun but maybe not, depending on what i break thankssmiliegitrdone :idea:


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
You mean the one for the air-ride suspension?

I kind of doubt that's going to get you the volume of air you're going to want for tire inflation, let alone air tools.

I think JC Whitney sells 12V air compressors designed for what you're looking for, and I'm sure you could find a pressure tank you could squeeze somewhere underneath.


Master Ford Tech
I don't recomend tring an air suspension compressor, it'll overheat in no time, they only run for a very short just enough to adjust ride height.
You might be better off grabbing an air tank off an old semi. some of them are actually rather compact, overall. One of those 5 or 10 gallon portable tanks would work as well. There are many available 12V compressors out there, or you could use an old AC compressor and fab up a mount/pulley to drive it.
Brian was thinking of something similar.... check out this thread
upst ny
my step kid used an old 20lb propane tank. i forget what he used for the compressor but it worked pretty well for inflation


Grabber Green Consultant
i think the biggest issue persay would be the compressor. im just trying to figure out how i would mount a compressor, whether it would be belt driven, electric driven or so on.


Staff member
Iowa County, Iowa
The old York style a/c compressor is pretty commonly used for making an air compressor out of. They are self oiled, so they will hold up to it. I have seen some setups where they made the bumpers out of tube, welded caps on, and made it their air storage...

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