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"Just lookin, HONEST, hon.....!"


I know I know... I ALREADY have a good lookin' truck; what do I NEED another one for? Well this one has half the miles mine does, plus the interior is a notch above mine... plus, it matches my BIG truck!
So, what do ya think? I need comments I can print off and show to the wifey!

I know I know... I ALREADY have a good lookin' truck; what do I NEED another one for? Well this one has half the miles mine does, plus the interior is a notch above mine... plus, it matches my BIG truck!
So, what do ya think? I need comments I can print off and show to the wifey!
Dear Mrsfixit,
Please let your Tommy get the truck he wants...It only has half of the miles his white truck has which means he might not have to work on it as much and that will free him up to do more work on the house. (how am I doing, Tom)

As with roses where the color red is symbolic of everlasting love, if Tom is allowed to get this truck, it will serve as a symbol of the everlasting love the two of you share for one another.

Bob Ayers

North Carolina Chapter member
Durham, NC
Yes, go for the truck, but what does your wife want????
EVERTHING. She gets my entire paycheck, PLUS her own... she buys whatever she wants!
You've been off of the board all day so I figure you and Mrsfixit have been in deeeeep negotiations on the new truck :D .....give the group an update....Please...
I have been stalled til I get back from AZ... THEN she'll go with me to look it over.:headbang:
well we were all set to drive out there today, and just as my luck would go, it was gone...
ARE YOU KIDDING??? Then she'll want the matching EARRINGS, TOO!

Trust me, I know this lady!
upst ny
being a widower... i was hoping this was turning into a nekkid chick thread. don't get me wrong, the Ford is cool, but i've no one to fight with anymore for stuff i want.
now i don't want it so much. i guess it was all in the fight and the need to win said fight. i always did by the way, or she let me as an ego boost. typing this out i realized 1 thing....i never got anything she hadn't already decided i could have. dammit. i'll go back into the corner and kiss the fish:headbang:
I feel yer pain! Here, mebbe this will make it better...

upst ny
just wrong.... but funny as hell


just growing older not up
Boring, Oregon
Just do what Terry did. He really, really wanted a new Corvette. So, to ward off any marital discord, he bought wifey something first.


She never said a word when he came home with it. :rofl:

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