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I was reading page #1 of a thread........


Uwasa Wahya
you know i had that happen too... i had one up on my firefox and came back to a blank screen.. power outtage... damn.. thankfully with session restore i got all of them back but that one... at the time i cared enough to keep the tab open but i don't care now. i will admit my first thought was wth, this chit again? i never thought it was a software problem. i don't know which one it was but it was already out of the archives or i wldn't have found it.

this makes at least one but maybe two threads that were being viewed when they were moved into oblivion. maybe just be a little more careful guys cuz after seeing what i've seen my first thought was honestly not again. i don't know as i've never been a moderator anywhere but i think let it get revived let someone else have their say, then openly say i'm closing my own thread because the subject is part of the past best left alone, lock it and let it slowly fall back into the archives. moving it into a non access area does appear like you're hiding it, which in honesty you are hiding them as you've said, so as to not look bad to new members who don't know abt the drama and might walk away because of it. the problems that brought y'all over here to begin with shouldn't be held on to no, but they are a part of the history of this places creation right? i feel locked in the archives, locked in the past, is more than sufficient. it shows growth and maturity, yeah we were angry, we were hurt, but we've grown and look now, we're working together the way a community should.

*shrug* but what do i know?

and no, you don't have to email me your thread chris, i don't think it was yours i was viewing but i don't remember. i just wanted to share my opinion and let y'all know that eco over there wasn't the only one to have that happen and while you could have played it off on software with him *kudos btw for being honest* it wldn't have played with everyone and might cause you to lose members that you do have if it were to become a more frequent occurance.


Let 'er eat boys!
Union, MO
I agree and if the general concensus is to just lock them maybe we can work on that.

Connie you have some great ideas, keep 'em coming. The only way we can grow is to have input from our members.
Well, I suppose on one hand it would be good to not have the place flooded with "other site" rant threads because then we look like a frustrated "other site" reject group. On the other hand trying to erase the past doesn't look so good either - not to those who are aware of it anyways.

Also, now that I was able to see the thread that skan yanked (he e-mailed it to me), I can see why he didn't want it all over the "new posts" section here. It is loaded with nasty pics that people were suggesting be plastered on the "other site" in a tech thread that skan put together a while back.
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Let 'er eat boys!
Union, MO
Glad to see everyone is cool with it.


Charter Member
Locked rather then deleted would be my choice if we were/are going to take a vote on the matter.

I don't know the statistics but I would guess "other site bashing" threads account for a very very small % of our actual threads. I would hope that any new/perspective members could read them, take them for what they are, which is frustration over a situation where the user had/has little or no control and move onto the meat and potatoes of what this site is about.

In my line of work I have a LOT of power to do a great many things to people. Believe it or not many of those things are disliked by the general public BUT I have found in my 10 years that most people are ok with the unpleasantries if you take the time to explain it to them. I don't HAVE to explain it but things go much smoother if I do.

My point is that as an end user I don't HAVE to be told what is going on. but I bet things would go smoother if I (the membership) were told ahead of time: Hey were housecleaning and moving/locking/starting or whatever the case is.

Just my humble .02


Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
We appreciate the input from members.

Regarding deleting/moving/locking... Thank you for the thoughts. From my chair and from the seats of moderators, I realize it looks different. Maybe we have not looked at it from an end user perspective as much as we should. We'll do the best we can to lock up threads and let them drift into archives from now on. As long as we adhere to the rules while the threads are still alive, then we should not have any problems.

1. No personal attacks.
2. No other website bashing.
3. No explicit drug or sexual references.

Simple enough, and again, sorry for the confusion on the behalf of the administration.

I apologize for jumping. out of character i'd like to think.
I apologize for jumping. out of character i'd like to think.

Carl, a character you always are and always will be.smilietease

You were airing your thoughts. we will hear them.
My name is Tom, and I'm a moderator.

There have been threads that I have not seen, since I had the long absence. Had I come across that one, I would have, at the very least, closed it.
For those of you who were AT 'the other site" you know there were hundreds of times that your posts and threads disappeared without announcement or explanation. Seemingly harmless ones, even. What happened here wasn't the SUDDEN abandonment of a thread, but the removal of an OLDER thread that its OWN AUTHOR deemed inappropriate.
Everyone on this site has the chance to approach us about problems or things they feel are unappropriate.
Most of the time, these problems have been handled quietly, behind the scenes either thru PMs or email. I fail to see how Eco was treated unfairly, here, since he was not IN the thread, part of the thread, and by his own admission had nothing that directed him to the thread except the Title.
If any of you have an issue, pm any of us. we will get back to you with an answer. Calling us out in open forum is merely trouble in the making, since some issues require details that have to come back out in the open that may embarrass other members, and that is NOT something we want to happen. If anyone wants to KNOW how to PM someone, ask.
Tom.....that was my point. I jumped and should have PM'd. I didn't mean to diminish the site. You make a great point.
Chris I apologize for the hit in public,,,I should have PM'd you with my displeasure.
It's still there.....but I handled it wrong with you and this Forum.
To all members, I F'd up. I hope you can forgive me. I'm still pissy but......that's my crap. I need to step away from the keyboard when i get like that.


Let 'er eat boys!
Union, MO
I need to step away from the keyboard when i get like that.

Dang Carl if I ever get like you I need a gun! LOLsmilietease (sorry you left yourself wide open!):rolling laugh:
Doc.....I've got guns....where do I aim??


Let 'er eat boys!
Union, MO
LOL if you can hit me from there, You just jumped a whole freakin notch in my respect chain! LOL

BTW here is the zip 63084!!!:rolling laugh:
Windage dude..............windage! and no... Farts don't count!
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Post Whores Make Me Sick
Chris I apologize for the hit in public,,,I should have PM'd you with my displeasure.
It's still there.....but I handled it wrong with you and this Forum.
To all members, I F'd up. I hope you can forgive me. I'm still pissy but......that's my crap. I need to step away from the keyboard when i get like that.
No need for an apology Carl -- we all get riled up sometimes -- it happens. Either way, if if makes you feel better, apology accepted :)

Still buds :beer:

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