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External AC Block Heater Plug (Air Dam Hook-up)


Kansas Chapter member
Kansas City
Here are some pics of the Marinco AC Plug hook-up (used on boats) to allow easier hook-up (plug-in) of the block heater cord.

I added a length of 10 or 12 guage wire to relocate/extend the stock plug to the driver's side to make it more accessible. The pics are self explanatory and this is my #2 favorite mod (after the coolant filter).


  • Block Heater - 1.JPG
  • Block Heater - 2.JPG
  • Block Heater - 3.JPG
  • Block Heater - 4.JPG
  • Marinco Plug 150BBI.jpg


Kansas Chapter member
Kansas City
Just making this thread current due to the cold weather we are now experiencing. A warm motor is a happy motor (especially when trying to start it).

One of the best mods I did to make hooking up my extension cord easier, safer and quicker. By having it on the driver's side, I loop the cord over my mirror so I never forget to unhook it before drving off. It is also easier to hook-up and disconnect when wearing gloves... brr...brr...brr...
smiliegitrdone smiliegitrdone smiliegitrdone
When I read about the fire hazards from the "old school" block heater cords, I replaced mine with a complete 50' 12ga extension cord (NOT the cheapo ones)that runs from the heater connection under the truck along the framerail and out from under the bed near the tailgate where I mounted a cord winder on the inside of the bed.
This way, I always have a cord, and it doesn't get driven over.


Staff member
Looks good, Beach!


Kansas Chapter member
Osage Beach, MO
I still want to do that, though for now, I kinda did a Tom. I ran a heavy 12ga 8' extension to the left side behind the front tire. My cord from the house is wrapped twice around a tree that's about 8' from the side of my truck. Now I plug it in when I get home, but as I drive away, it unplugs itself. And yes, I learned that by accident the first time, but I just keep doing it. I did plasti dip the cord end to reinforce the plug, but it's working like a charm. :D
Done it, got the Infor from Beach when he visited the other forum. I also added the wolverine oil opan heater. Truck is very happy on cold mornings.
Thanks Beach. Johnsmiliegitrdone

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