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broken clutch pedal linkage

i was driving to a friends this evening and when i went to leave i moved the truck forward and when i went to turn around i pushed the clutch to shift into reverse and the truck went into reverse and when i went and pushed the clutch in to stop the pedal went to the floor and stayed there and the truck kept movin backwards. i had to shut the truck off and put it into neutral and coast into a small parking lot. my friends neighbor came over and said i broke the clutch fork.(i wish ida broke that) when looking under the truck i "bumped" the linkage for the clutch pedal and it moved(i know its not supposed to do that) so i "inspected" the mounting area fro the linkage and saw that the bolt or stud or what ever it is that holds it in place on the bell housing side was sheared completely off even with the bell housing. so my question is what would be the fastest and easiest and cheapest way to repair this? is the peice that broke a bolt that threads into the bell housing or is it a pressed in piece that is fixed to the bell housing? the truck can still be driven but i have to start it in gear and "float" the gears. i can do this easily but at the same time i want to prevent any and all un nesassary damage to my truck and trans. i need my truck to get back and forth to my job as its my only form of transportation right now so i need to have this thing fixed asap. so any and all advice is as always greatly appreciated. also the truck is a 79 3/4 ton 2wd with a werner granny gear 4 speed manual. thanks again in advance,bill
update: where the bolt or stud or whatever it was that broke off is not in the bell housing of the tranny. the piece that broke off, broke off in the engine block itself. about 2 inches infront of the bell housing. i just wanted to clear that up.
well contacted the local parts stores and they said to go the ford dealership route. so i drove to the closest dealership and asked them if they could get it. the guy at the counter said i have no clue what on earth youre talking about so i told him"my truck is outside ill show you exactly what i need" i could tell by the look on this guys face that he had some serious doubt about me bringing my old truck there under its own power with no use of the clutch pedal. but i walked out with him and popped the hood of ol' midnite and showed him exactly what had broke and what i needed to fix it and he said "ok let take a look" so went back inside and messed with his computer for about 15 mins before looking at me and saying "sorry man we cant get that part form anywhere so check online" so that blows that outta the water. tuesday its junk yard central for me to search for an old ford with a similiar setup as mine even if a lil bit newer


Staff member
You'll have to find a dealer that still has their old microfische parts system. Then the part may still be obsolete. Salvage yard may be the way to go.

Workin' Rig

Stone Cold Bo Norris
Forget dealerships. I went into one once to get a pinion nut for my 83 i had...said they obsoleted that part in 1992. It was 2006 when i checked

Gotta love it
update: got the clutch pedal linkage fixed. i'll admit that it isnt the "proper" way to fix it but it is fixed. i took the truck to a friends house today to have the broken part of the stud drilled out of the block and my friend and i discovered that the 2 bolts that hold the other ball stud (attached to a plate and bolted to the frame) in place were so loose that he simply put his socket on them and twisted then out by hand. then when we were ready to drill the sheared stud out we had trouble trying to get a drill into the opening and we were going crazy trying to find a drill with a swivel head and with no luck we had thought that our luck had run out. well about 10 mins later we were shootin the bull and i said to him"every bolt that i've touched under the hood of this truck has been only hand tight it seem. i'll bet ya that that stud in there is the only tight bolt that we're gonna find" next thing i know he crawls under the truck and reaches his hand up and starts treading the broken stud out with 2 bare fingers. no wonder it broke as loose as that thing was it probably wiggled and spun and moved that the pressure from the clutch linkage just broke it in 1/2. any ways its fixed now. went to tractor supply and found a nice long 3 1/2" bolt and got a nut and a lock washer and put it in and it works great. and i made sure we got a grade 8 bolt as well so it'll pretty much never break again and it'll be easy to remove should i ever have to.


Staff member
Be aware that grade 8 bolts are good for tensile loads, like getting them really tight, but they shear off easier...

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