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attached thumbnails open in new window


When I open attached thumbnails they open in the same window/tab. I keep having to go back and forth to see them and then the post.

Shouldn't they be set to open in a new window or tab so we don't leave the website each time?


Yeah...I can right click. I was just pointing it out after I discovered it (by losing the page-LOL). Not everyone is computer savvy and knows about right clicking or changing settings. Believe me...I teach night classes to adults older than I am....enough said.


Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
Nah, we don't mind the work. We're still breaking in the website and trying to figure out how to fully utilize the administration panel.

We're trying our best to make the site user-friendly, so that may include options some people may or may not be used to. :) In this case, I'm glad it let us toggle the option.



Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
I'm not well versed enough to know that.

*zoom* There goes Brian's joke miles above my head.

The oldest thing I've had the privilege to play with is an early 80's 302. Being young has it's downsides, but I'm not complainin. :)



I'm not well versed enough to know that.

*zoom* There goes Brian's joke miles above my head.

The oldest thing I've had the privilege to play with is an early 80's 302. Being young has it's downsides, but I'm not complainin. :)


Don't compalin about being young. It passes too fast. You know your getting old when: You see a cute girl and wonder where her mom is and if her mom is single........:headbang:

I had never seen a Y-block until a few years ago. Flat heads...yeah seen a lot of old ford tractors with them. Y-blocks were in the trucks from 54-64, but they were in thunderbirds and everything else. There was even a supercharged Y-block t-bird in about 58 or so. confused


Kansas Chapter member
Osage Beach, MO
Don't compalin about being young. It passes too fast. You know your getting old when: You see a cute girl and wonder where her mom is and if her mom is single........:headbang:
Hmmm, guess I'm close to old, but not yet. If I see a cute young girl, I wonder if her and her mom might be interested together.:rofl:

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