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Another anniversary

May 29th 1978 I bought my 78 F150.

34 years together



FTF's #1 Knob Polisher
Cumming, GA
I can only begin to imagine the stories you have with your truck Dennis. Here's to another 34 years! smilieFordlogo
I can only begin to imagine the stories you have with your truck Dennis. Here's to another 34 years! smilieFordlogo
The best ones include females and drive-in's

Others include birthdays when it got to consume 110* octane
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Licensed to Represent!
This is awesome. I'd love to someday have a story similar to this. I've gone through so many vehicles only using them as modes of transportation, then getting rid of them when they were more trouble then they were worth. It was only until a few years ago when I bought my F150 that that changed. Congrats!

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