There are two kinds of air filters available for the 6.0L motor.
1) Blue media/filter - synthetic and water resistent (OEM)
2) White media/cellulose - not water resistent (Not OEM - Mainly WIX brand)
Both air filters are made my Donnalson and are their "Powercore" filtration and both meet Ford's spec for filtering the air, but the filter that is OEM and shipped with your truck is the high cost, blue, synthetic media filter.
I believe that the cost is around $65 - $70.00/ea for the blue synthetic air filter?
I don't know, I just take mine out, clean it, dry it and stick it back in. Oh, while it's off, yes Jeff, I check for dusting and oil in the intake tube on the MAF. No problem with either as of yet. And yes, I know, I'm still very low mileage.
Well, I bought my FA 1778 Motorcraft airfilter on ebay for 48.00 and 9.95 shipping.......I received it in just a very few days. Thanks guys for your responses to my question, I really didn't know what the going price was for the darn things.