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351w blocks?


Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
I may as well get an engine hoist. I've never pulled a motor before.

I could just as easily pay someone to build a motor but I kind of wanted to experience it at least once. I'm sure it will feel like I'm in over my head at several times, but hey, why not?



The Token Canadian
Staff member
It's pretty straightforward Ryan, patience and attention to detail is a lot of it!


Staff member
Once you get past all the external parts, the base engine is the easy part. Being it would be the first, be sure to take plenty of pics, since the digital world doesn't cost anything to develop... It helps with the memory, especially if it is a while between teardown and re-installation. Wiring connectors don't typically plug in wrong, but either tape or tag them so you remember where they go, sometimes it isn't real obvious, the location can be obscured. Same with hoses that may not be obvious. This is a time when all the can, jars, containers and pill bottles we usually throw out become useful for storing bolts, nuts and other things in and label them. Especially when you will have to move the vehicle, and it has to go outside, the containers are even better. Your accounting organization skills will be handy for that kind of thing, I'm sure you can come up with a scheme to identify everything.


Hitech hillbilly
Staff member
Duncan is correct really nothing to it. Just pay attention while disassembling and it goes together really easy. Just follow the rebuild manual and you should have no problem. Heck even Chris can do it :)
I store the parts and bolts in zip lock bags labeled with what they are.
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The Token Canadian
Staff member
I'd rep you for that one Randy, but I can't...:rofl: :rofl:
And Ryan , do the rebuild in the kitchen so you can keep an eye on it.

Definitely one way to suggest the need for extending the workshop ...... might take some time for the eardrums to heal though ..... not to mention the lack of matrimonial activities for the forseeable future.
haha no need.. we're being completely serious...


Mate you have a wife in a million - mine would tear me a new a**hole if i even so much as suggested that.
I had a engine stand with a 400 on it fall over once. When I rolled it out of my way to clean up one of the wheels snagged a little nut and over it went.
Good thing I wasn't in the kitchen.
Didn't hurt the engine but left a pretty good ding in the concrete.


Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
I might have answered my own question. I found some 20 lbs./hr made by motorcraft.

Would a guy want to up the flow rate on these things if he was planning on building a more powerful engine?


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