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2.9 V6 ?


Charter Member
Festus, Mo.
Does anyone know what years they had problems with the heads cracking on the 2.9 V6? Did they come up with a fix for the later models?


It was on all models. However, it was never a problem if you kept an eye on the temperature guage. My 89 I bought new (brothers dailys now) has almost 200,000 on it. A friend of mine drove one 300,000 before it finally just quit (completely worn out). No head cracking problems.

Actually, they say the 89 had better heads, but was still prone to it with owners who didn't pay attention.

Most of that reputation was the owner. Not the engine. They are as solid and reliable as any other engine out there.

EDIT: I should add that the 300,000 mile engine was an 87. Supposedly, the worst cracking heads.

To tell the heads apart, look at the valve covers. The later ones had a lip that sticks up. The earlier ones went down over the head. Unless, that is I am confused. I think that is correct. confused
Last edited:


Charter Member
Festus, Mo.
Thanks for the info Brian. I thought I had heard that Ford fixed it in a certain year and the problem was resolved. The valve cover tip is good too.

Okay don't burn me on this too bad. Will a cracked head cause an internal leak or external leak?

I guess it could be either depending on where it cracks.confused


Charter Member
Festus, Mo.
This was something I heard was common when I had purchased the 86 Ranger. I didn't remember much about it so I thought I would ask again. For some reason there were a few people that made a big deal out of it. YelloThumbUp
You basically answered your own question; It depends on the WHERE.
As far as I can tell, the problem in the 2.9 was a crack that would originate in the valve seats and extend into the ports, sometimes even all the way across the top of the head. This was predominantly in the pre-89 Rangers, and typically ONLY happened after an overheating situation.
The cracks do not seem to get into the waterjackets or oil passages, though, so the biggest problem was the compression loss and power imbalance.
Now, if you wanna know about CRACKHEADS, see:HERE
Thanks, I try...
I try your patience, your soul, but I try...


just growing older not up
Boring, Oregon
How come I'm getting a "you do not permission to access this page." Boy, do I feel special. [confused]

Kid's buddy's Ranger turned 449,000 miles last week on the original powertrain...... and now has serious issues running for more than a few minutes at a time. Cause unknown- thhe question is, with that many miles on a rough truck, how much effort do we want to put into it?


Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
How come I'm getting a "you do not permission to access this page." Boy, do I feel special. [confused]

Kid's buddy's Ranger turned 449,000 miles last week on the original powertrain...... and now has serious issues running for more than a few minutes at a time. Cause unknown- thhe question is, with that many miles on a rough truck, how much effort do we want to put into it?

ernie, was it something that looked like vbulletin software or something generic from your browser? If it happens again, let me know



Rep whores make me sick
It does the same for me Ryan. It's the standard v bulliten message.
the 2.9 was a solid germen ford motor .the cracks came from the owners not watching the heat gauge, and yes the cracks started at the seats and worked over.

the most solid replacement part can be had from world auto parts and obtained from summit raceing and others.their replace is super strong and almost impossible to crack.

world also is now casting a lot of old ford motor parts for older motors like the 427 side oiler


Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
I'm not sure if I understand. PM with some details. We'll try and keep the thread clean. I don't understand because if you're viewing the thread, what's the problem? Just let me know...



just growing older not up
Boring, Oregon
polarbear, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

This is what I see when i click the link.

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