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Ford ammeters


77 F100 400 2V C6
Ford ammeters. I have never seen a dash ammeter look like it is working. My 77 F100, 68 F100, 79 Bronco, 66 Mustang, 67 Mustang or 68 Mustang , Not a one of them ever appeared to work. What's up with that?


The Token Canadian
Staff member
If your charging system is working correctly, the ammeter will hardly move.


Tonto Papadapolous
smilieIagree smiliewhathesaid

Mine appears to work correctly, and as much of a sweep as the gauge allows for, you won't see the gauge move more than 1/8" from charge to discharge.
Try draining your battery then watch it while the engine is running..trying to put a charge back in it. That's when the gauge is most noticable


The Token Canadian
Staff member
Ammeter 101 simplified..
Your battery is there to accomodate a couple of things...starting the engine and providing power for accessories at low rpm when the alternator can't supply said power due to lack of rpm it is turning. So, unless the battery is well drawn down or you are running a pile of items the alternator can't keep up with, the ammeter will sit around the center discharge or charge on the battery.

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