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They call me Spuds
Middleton, ID
Just for the record, I had bacon for dinner.
are you kidding me because it is only 99 more posts till I reach 500.

I could :blah: :blah: :blah: someone to death...:bs:

That is exactly why I said: "Uh oh!" in my last post! :rofl:

On a side note: Can I skip from 2,999 posts to 5,000 (when I get to that point)? I don't want to be known as a "truckin' Bozo".

User Rank/Minimum Posts
FTF Tire Kicker/0
FTF Test Driver/10
FTF Rookie/50
FTF Daily Commuter/100
FTF Highway Hauler/250
FTF Proud Driver /500
FTF Heavy Hauler/1,000
FTF Truckin' Bozo/3,000
FTF Tire Burner/5,000
FTF Maximum Overdrive/10,000
Last edited:


Redneck Prognosticator
Belton, MO
I guess you'll be in a phase of rapid-posting when it comes to it, brian. better refer more people to the site so you can legitimately reply to people. :rofl:

a bad, bad thing.

Carl, where in sam hell are you when we're all spamming our own board?

at 9:21 pm i was watching Hannity and The commie.
i shall not spam.
yeah but he always has a fill in commie to keep it fair.

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