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caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont

Chris, never, ever, ever try to put anything over on this one. Ever.


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
No comment.
that's it from now on i call Trista ...Fraiser.
generic Fraiser....


Flatheads Forever
granted, it's much easier to understand someone once you meet them and are able to see how they react in certain situations and to see their body language.

But I see you as a caring person but you don't REALLY know how to show it, especially when it comes to the opposite sex. You like to have a good time but tend to keep a lot bottled inside. You're not very good at expressing your emotions bc you're too cautious of other people and what they think of you or how you'll be perceived.....

Why does this sound like the horoscopes in the paper? Oh, yeah, it's the definition of anything male between the ages of 14-25. Not putting down your skills Trista, but you guys are impressed way too easily - that or you're just flirting - watch these guys Chris!

Why does this sound like the horoscopes in the paper? Oh, yeah, it's the definition of anything male between the ages of 14-25. Not putting down your skills Trista, but you guys are impressed way too easily - that or you're just flirting - watch these guys Chris!


Not all guys between the ages of 14-25 have the same PROMINENT personality characteristics that he has. While it may be more common than being bipolar, suffering from narcissism, MPD, etc., it doesn't mean that what I read on Ian was incorrect or invalid because of its commonality.

While MANY people have similar characteristics of what I described (I and many other people do too, it's nothing t be ashamed of), those were the points that seemed to have the biggest **HEY LOOK AT ME** factor as opposed to the underlying, subtle entities. I wasn't telling him his lucky numbers, who he was going to fall in love with, lucky colors, and such as a horoscope does. What I read about Ian could be broken down into 2 classifications but they tend to have a negative connotation with them, so I opted to DESCRIBE what I felt instead of just labeling him. Labeling takes away people's individuality and doesn't necessarily give them an identity- just a word or two to describe them.

Just wanted to defend the thousands and thousands of dollars I've paid to go to school. I thought I was pretty smart, but apparently I should switch my major to horoscope-ology.


caffeine junkie
Staff member
central Vermont
...What I read about Ian could be broken down into 2 classifications but they tend to have a negative connotation with them
Translation: she agrees with Carl.
I see both your points...Trista's statement sounded quite a bit like a horoscope...but quite a bit like what I'd hear in a Psychology class 'smiliedoh'

Maybe Psychology Grad. students write horoscopes on the side [confused]


Flatheads Forever
Not all guys between the ages of 14-25 have the same PROMINENT personality characteristics that he has.......

Just wanted to defend the thousands and thousands of dollars I've paid to go to school. I thought I was pretty smart, but apparently I should switch my major to horoscope-ology.

Ian, at least she didn't say Prominent personality DISORDERS!......or did she?

Trista, I'm an OLD Psych major myself...... that's the fascination of this stuff.... what you're learning is probably a long way from what was 'true' back in the 70's. In fact, I haven't believed the results of any polls since I took quantitative psych.

So have fun with it and go get 'em girl. I have no doubts that you're very book-smart. Just don't take yourself too seriously....... even Freud couldn't get past adolescence - he was just smart enough to make a career out of it. I think he'd have fit right in with this crowd as most threads turn to bathroom or sexual humor by the second page.

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