In the last 6 months ive put quite a few parts on the truck, Including new headlights, headerpanel, grill blinkers, Filler panel. new transmission.
And i thought id share some pics. And hell whats the point of testing a new camera and not posting the pictures.
I also welded my rear bumper back together. Looks normal-ish.
can you tell the difference in the paint colors, my body work is alright. Its primer only
the meats
i need to hose the motor down
the lense fell off while i was going down the road, wtf
ford did a bad bumper design, common tack welds on a hoop in the back.
And i thought id share some pics. And hell whats the point of testing a new camera and not posting the pictures.
I also welded my rear bumper back together. Looks normal-ish.
can you tell the difference in the paint colors, my body work is alright. Its primer only
the meats
i need to hose the motor down
the lense fell off while i was going down the road, wtf
ford did a bad bumper design, common tack welds on a hoop in the back.