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Post-Service Surveys?

I figured if anyone would know it would be you techs.

But really, how important are these surveys to the Service Adviser and dealerships? Is anyone really paying attention?


Staff member
I figured if anyone would know it would be you techs.

But really, how important are these surveys to the Service Adviser and dealerships? Is anyone really paying attention?
Most definately they are important! Our dealership will review them and pass them around to all service writers. If someone has a bad survey, someone has to answer to it. There for a while, all dealerships were competing with each other. The surveys were averaged together, and the top 5 in each region would get cash prizes. I've gotten 2 (once $1k, once $300)


Certified Ford Tech
yes they are important. but so is your honesty. remember who your mad at if there is an issue with another dealer or whatever.


Staff member
yes they are important. but so is your honesty. remember who your mad at if there is an issue with another dealer or whatever.
Yeah, I agree, someone could have a bad experience at one dealership, and the next one sends a survey. The customer, irritated at the first, sends a negative report without specifying dealer, it will look bad for the "good" dealer.
Rest easy guys, I've yet to give a bad survey that reflects on the SA. If I have an issue, the first people I talk to are the people I have an issue with, not some faceless individual at FMC. I'm asking because if these things are simply filed in the small circular file cabinet next to someone's desk, then why am I wasting my time filling it out. Heck, I could be spending that time hanging-out on FTF (or Heaven forbid, doing the work I'm paid to do). If it is a benefit, then I'm more than happy to take the time to heap praise on my current SA. :nana:


Certified Ford Tech
to be honest, they are not that much of a benefit because ford does not reward the good dealers anymore. heck they dont even have the blue oval certified crap anymore. they do let the service manager know how their customer service is and basically that is a big deal to the dealer.
. . .they dont even have the blue oval certified crap anymore.
Say What?!?! If I'm away from my home dealership and need service, I still ask the nearest dealership if they're Blue Oval Certified. Why would Ford discontinue that program? Cost cutting?confused


Certified Ford Tech
i guess. as far i know, it has been gone from my dealer for 2 or 3 years, and not because we lost it. i heard its not available.

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