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New HPOP fitting design


Staff member
The techs and I have been discussing this fitting for some time. While it will resolve the "separation" issue, it brings with it other problems. Lining up all the oil holes, bolt holes, threads, and the pump at the same time with limited room to make the adjustments is the major one. So far, the bracket repair has been more than sufficient.
Was the bracket repair ever put into production units? I thought I'd heard they did starting with '07s built after mid '06 or so...


Master Ford Tech
The techs and I have been discussing this fitting for some time. While it will resolve the "separation" issue, it brings with it other problems. Lining up all the oil holes, bolt holes, threads, and the pump at the same time with limited room to make the adjustments is the major one. So far, the bracket repair has been more than sufficient.

smilieIagree smiliewhathesaid

Only have installed one we'll see how it works out in the long run.


Ford Senior Master Tech
I've takin many differnt years apart not seen the bracket in any years yet. I have seen any the trucks back for the same concern yet I think FORD did a good job with the bracket.smiliegitrdone

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